Still in the process of editing in an unfinished part of the opening post, and that'll probably be done within the hour. Also, I've been discussing the tag part of the thread with [@tsukune] over Skype, and it's most likely gonna be the 'Arena' tag that gets added (still open to discussion here though). I planned on including a section in the opening post itself that'd mention things like genre and such, so I can give a better genre than just 'Fantasy' by putting the information there. [@Pudding] Don't let the writing level intimidate you, since I'm pretty much writing at this level in the casual role-play forum a lot of the time, or in threads listed under the 'Casual' tag. Honestly, there's a lot of role-plays in that forum which deserve to be in this one, and - to the best of my knowledge - vice versa too. I don't plan on expecting everyone to give me walls of text similar to my own, but putting it here will make sure things remain professional and ensure everyone posts at least enough detail to make this realistic. We can't do a mystery story involving psychological warfare effectively unless people are detailed. Glad to see it's got you excited, at any rate. Any questions about information you'll need for your character sheet? I don't imagine you'll have trouble getting accepted, since the one character sheet you've done so far - that I've seen anyway - was good, and the biggest thing is making sure you've got a wish that justifies why your character couldn't refuse the invitation.