[Center] [URL=http://fontmeme.com/freefonts/110761/soft_machine.font][IMG]http://fontmeme.com/freefonts/img.php?f=110761&s=55&t=Velvet%20Moon&c=FF9966[/IMG][/URL] [IMG]http://cdn.playbuzz.com/cdn/73f87e98-a66e-4ab6-8de4-423a653e6eaa/d3f92193-7ec2-458c-971b-bd2b2d23ddb8.jpg[/IMG] [URL=http://fontmeme.com/freefonts/113309/street_hospital.font][IMG]http://fontmeme.com/freefonts/img.php?f=113309&s=55&t=%22Impossible%20Is%20Just%20A%20Word%22&c=FF00FF[/IMG][/URL][/Center] [Right]UNKNOWN[/Right] [B][Color=DeepPink]NAME[/Color][/B] Velvet Moon [B][Color=DeepPink]AKA[/Color][/B] Eris [B][Color=DeepPink]DATE OF BIRTH[/Color][/B] Unknown But Claims April 1st [B][Color=DeepPink]GENDER[/Color][/B] Female [B][Color=DeepPink]AGE[/Color][/B] 17 [B][Color=DeepPink]SEXUALITY[/Color][/B] Unknown [H1]Imprisonment [/H1] [B][Color=DeepPink]CRIME[/Color][/B] Murder, Treason, Grand Theft, Defamation, Homosexuality, Systems Tampering, Narcotics, Illegal Biotech Upgrades [B][Color=DeepPink]Y E A R S S P E N T[/Color][/B] .47 [B][Color=DeepPink]CELLMATE[/Color][/B] Solitary [H1]Education & Skills[/H1] [B][Color=DeepPink]OCCUPATION[/Color][/B] Criminal [B][Color=DeepPink]CLASSES[/Color][/B] Unknown [B][Color=DeepPink]SKILLS[/Color][/B] Technical Prodigy Stealth Concealment Chemistry [H1]Mannerisms [/H1] [B][Color=DeepPink]LIKES[/Color][/B] Machinery Quiet Sweets Computers [B][Color=DeepPink]DISLIKES[/Color][/B] Traitors Authority figures Gluttony Greedy people [B][Color=DeepPink]HABITS[/Color][/B] Singing while she works Curiosity, opening doors, opening boxes, solving puzzles [B][Color=DeepPink]HOBBIES[/Color][/B] Collecting music Tinkering Singing [B][Color=DeepPink]FEARS[/Color][/B] Diseases an sick people Insanity, she worries she might be insane [H1]Digging Deeper [/H1] [B][Color=DeepPink]P E R S O N A L L I T Y [/Color][/B] Velvet loves annoying any type of authority figures sometimes exhibiting an almost obsessive need to do so. Quiet about herself she's mistaken as shy but does so because she doesn't trust people. She can't leave a machine broken if she believes it could be repaired She has to give into her Curiosity or be agitated till she looks in the box, door or bag. [B][Color=DeepPink]HISTORY[/Color][/B] Velvet was born in the shadows of human civilization to parents that resisted the laws of the Inquisitors and if she knows their names she's never divulged. Little to nothing is known about her childhood except that she is a blip (unregistered) raised outside of traditional schooling but somehow acquired certain knowledges that few adults have or comprehend. Velvet first came to the attention of the Inquisitors six years ago when an informant gave her name as the hacker responsible for the high jacking of a large shipment of medical supplies that found their way into various rebel factions an the black market. (The informant only knew her name and no other details; not even her sex) Several more times her name popped up in connection with crimes committed by the rebels and soon an MO was developed by the Inquisitors to connect her to computer crimes their hallmark being an almost total lack of evidence and no alarms. She was moved to Enemy of the State status complete with her own special task force that relentlessly hunted her for the next three years before discovering that Velvet was a young girl. (A prisoner gave her up to protect his family) Still armed with that information she eluded capture for another two and a half years before she was captured by chance when a black market gang started a fire fight with her group that attracted the attention of an Inquistor force that was tracking the marketeers. (It was one of the black market gang that they had a prize of great value pointing out an naming Velvet in an effort to gain his freedom.) The Inquisitors went to work on Velvet with a vengeance subjecting her to as many interrogation techniques as they could without killing her. (They wanted to assure that that obtained as much secret information as she contained) They quickly discovered that Velvet was a poor source because she had been compartmentalized from knowing more than her mission specific data and the identity of anyone outside her group of seven people. [B][Color=DeepPink]THEME[/Color][/B] [URL= http://youtu.be/gGi8LvE9Afk]Gotta Knock A Little Harder[/URL]