[h2][color=ed1c24]Kara [/color]- Surface[/h2] Kara smiled at her boss's insistence she stay close to him or his presumed second had, but her eyes told him all he needed to know. There was a certain hatred she had for being pitied or given special treatment. As soon as possible she'd show them her prowess with a knife. , if need be. But that was neither here nor there. For now, Kara ought to have a chat with the others like the wizard had suggested. Hopefully one of them would neglect to look down at her. She looked around to see who to talk to. The group that got Kara's attention the fastest was a coalition of four. A simple looking tallfellow, wrapped in robes and baggy clothing, with her only weapon seemingly being her fists. There was also someone incredibly short, shorter than her even. A dwarf, maybe? He seemed quite old and had metal animals with him. Adjacent to both of them was an armor clad figure who looked like a mix of a dwarf and a tall dwarf, if that even made any sense. The last person there, though certainly not the least, was an axe-wielding tallfellow who had no voice beyond that of shouting and was staring at Kara. He seemed distrustful, but also concerned. She gave him that same smile with eyes laced of hatred that she had directed towards the wizard. If he knew she was a fairy, she was going to try and dissuade him from making that fact public. Conversing with that group wasn't an option it seemed, not with one member already suspicious. There was the oddly dressed fellow, whose shadow seemed to dance and move like a creature of it's own, and he seemed to be eyeing her. [i][color=8dc73f]I don't like that guy, Kara...[/color][/i] Azarel commented, fear and worry evident in his voice. [i][color=8dc73f]We ought to take him out before he hurts you.[/color][/i] Kara was inclined to agree, there was a burning passion within him and for a second, Kara would have sworn he could be seen licking his lips. She would not bother speaking to him either, both of their intentions for each other were clear. Maybe she ought to talk to the man who would be watching over her? Bartimus was his name, if Irthorne was to be believed. He was the bird-looking man, quite tall, muscled, manly and mature. But also soft, approachable, even... attractive. [i][color=8dc73f]Are you alright, Kara?[/color][/i] Azarel asked again, oblivious to Kara's conflicted feelings. She responded with a small [i][color=ed1c24]I'm fine.[/color][/i] Before turning away and directing her attention towards something else. Lastly, there were the two other odd races, both with 5 eyes, and purple, but beyond that there wasn't much similarity. The woman had six arms, as well as some odd-looking devices on them, and her feet. Flintlocks, they were called. Apparently they were important. Kara would introduce herself to her first. Getting a bit closer to the spider-woman, Kara gave a small wave to her to grab her attention. [color=ed1c24]"Hello, Miss Alea. It's nice to be working with you."[/color] Kara complemented, before realizing she didn't actually have a conversation topic. Panicking, she brought it back to her favorite hobby, botany. [color=ed1c24]"Uhm, do you like plants? I could use some help with all the bugs that get in my gardens; I wouldn't mind you eating them, and I could even share some fruit with you too."[/color]