'None specifically, sir,' Alea said politely. 'I only wanted to confirm, having learned that we're to be split into two groups, that I would in fact be heading into the crypts. Not that either task would be anything to complain about, only I have plans to write a book about our adventures within the crypt, and, well, that's hardly possible if I've been sitting outside it, don't you agree? Ahuhuhuhuhu~...' It was around this point, as she covered her mouth to giggle to herself, that she was approached by the adorable little tall dwarf girl, greeted and complimented, then asked if she liked plants. This got her attention, though as she crouched down a little to match the girl’s eye level, she found herself a tad put off by the blurted statement about bug eating. That wasn’t to say the girl was wrong about her eating bugs, but it wasn’t like she just gathered insects from who knows where and stuffed them in her mouth! That was what the peasantry did. And darn it, she would not be compared to the peasantry! Or so she told herself. ‘You know, there are more polite ways to greet somebody than asking them to do your gardening for you...’ she began, only to trail off as she got a closer look at the girl’s face. Goodness, though, she really was simply [i]adorable[/i] to behold, enough to put a smile on the spidery noble’s face. ‘Oh, but I can hardly be upset with you~. Look at you, you’re so squishy!’ she exclaimed, taking a moment to lightly pinch the girl’s cheeks, and giggling to herself once more. Why had nobody told her tallfellow children were this cute? Now she wanted to adopt a hundred of them. She could probably afford that, right? [@Banana][@Kafka Komedy]