As the monk, Feon the mercenary apparently, quickly and rather irately ended her conversation with Ingrim, or perhaps it was more accurate to say stopped it from happening, Andrik briefly examined the various contraptions that accompanied the gnome. The mechanical dogs where perhaps the most interesting, clearly mechanical unlike the chest with it seemingly fleshy arms or the animated bows which where also lacking in moving parts. His people did not had a knack for most magic it seemed but the various ancient relics and tombs indicated they had once been masters of the mechanical based arts. Some of the engineers and scholars at home had even been experimenting with designs for large golem like constructs, though they seemed a long way off from getting them to work but perhaps some insight from this or others of his profession could help them. “[color=cd7f32]Hello Ingrim Nesfit, before we begin this expedition I wanted to have a closer look at your wondrous creations. I am Andrik Nordin, a Vaulter explorer who is traveling the lands documenting all of the fascinating things I come across so that my civilisation can have some first hand accounts of the wider world. I was wondering if you could tell me a bit about how your constructions work, my people would be most interested to read about you, your craft and traveling circus. [/color]”