Masrith heard Lockwell speak. Masrith turned amd looked directly at his shadow when he was asked about anything interesting. A deep voice would enter Lockwells' head. "Surface thoughts are very easy to read Mr. Lockwell. While I wouldn't say there is anything of peculiar interest, I am curious about certain things." There was a silence for a moment. "That creature that is with you, is it mentally linked to you or would I not have to worry about if I were to try and mentally dominate it?...oh it's just a thought however. I suppose if you are curious then I will tell. Firstly, Illithid have no need for verbal communication. Your surface thoughts will suffice. Secondly, I was wondering about the spider creature. Just curious if it's exo skeleton is weak or absent around the joints to allow maximum flexibility. If so then one accurate strike with a blade could sever a limb. Also that it may be best to use a blunt force weapon like a hammer or mace. Even if her skeleton protected, it would be like shaking a box with glass items in it." Masrith reached into his pack. "I forgot my surgical equipment. Well now what am I suppose to do when any of you die? Well eating the brain of a fresh corpse is still good I guess." Masrith looked at Irthorne. The voice from earlier would enter Irthornes' head again. "Mr. Irthorne. I'm sorry to disturb you. May I make a request for some medical equipment? More specifically, surgical. There is not telling what could happen down there and if there is no time to reach the surface then I should be able to operate." Masrith thought about it for a moment before he would try to speak to Irthorne again. "I understand no one would like the idea of having me operate but given my past, experimenting on various creatures for various purposes, and the fact I have a several books about detailed anatomy, I think I would make a could candidate."