The bard's mental assault struck true. While more of a threat than a real insult, the creature still felt the weight of the magical words and suffered their ill effect. It didn't have the time to bother the creature to it's full effect though, as all of the problems it had or might have had were solved with a swift greatsword strike, leaving very little doubt about the creature's state of death. A momentary silence filled the room, broken at last once a guardsman poked Parum in the shoulder and asked "Is it clear?" Spare from the corpses of the fallen, there were no signs of enemies as things were now, even with the broken down port on the outer wall. The people of Greenest had to consider themselves fortunate: Had the knowledge of such a breach been common knowledge among the enemies, they would be rushing in no-stop. As soon as an all-clear message was given, the castellan walked into the lantern and magic lit room and examined the port from a distance. "[color=red]Well, it sure is beat up, but ain't nuffin' that couldnae' be fixed. Any ideas on how to proceed here? Do ye happen to 'ave any tricks up your sleeves for this?[/color]" he inquired from the squad. [hider=Mechanics]Just in case someone missed it, combat is over. Also, the drake failed their save VS Parum's mockery with a roll of [url=]12[/url].[/hider]