[@Liriia][@McHaggis][@Undine][@Roosan] Second character! I hope you guys like her! [hider=Character Name] [center][img]http://idealphotography.biz/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Wide-nina-dobrev-wallpaper-1080p-With-HD-Wallpaper-Windows-8-with-nina-dobrev-wallpaper-1080p-Download-HD-Wallpaper.jpg[/img] [color=f26522][h1]Elizabeth Farweight[/h1] [h2]Ascendant[/h2][/color][/center] [hr][hr] [center][color=f26522][h2][u]B A S I C P R O F I L E[/u][/h2][/color][/center] [color=f26522]● [u] N A M E [/u] ●[/color] [indent]Elizabeth Susan Farweight [sub]Nickname: Liz[/sub][/indent] [color=f26522]● [u] A G E [/u] ●[/color] [indent]17[/indent] [color=f26522]● [u] G E N D E R [/u] ●[/color] [indent]Female[/indent] [color=f26522]● [u] O C C U P A T I O N [/u] ●[/color] [indent]High School student[/indent] [color=f26522]● [u] L O O K S [/u] ●[/color] [indent]There is no way to go around it, Elizbeth is beautiful. It's not something one could really argue with. Certaintly the result of the fickle mistress named genetics. Her long, straight brown hair seems to always shine as if she just washed it. Her chocolate eyes always look inviting. Combined with the genuine smile she shines out like the sun, few would claim Liz doesn't look inherently friendly. Standing 5'5" she doesn't often wear high heels. Feeling like she's already tall enough to reach whatever she should. The girl often walked as if every day is another gift. So with almost a skip in her steps. Either that way, or she looks quite hastey. Not in a rude way. More in a 'sorry-I-really-can't-talk-now-but-we'll-catch-up-later' sort of way. At almost all time she radiates genuine friendliness. She dresses rather casual. No dresses or skirts or tight tops. Just normal clothes everyone would buy. She obviously chooses comfort over looks. Though she doesn't forsake the last one entirely for the first. that does not mean she doesn't have dresses. When the occassion calls for it, she can demand the attention of every guy in a room simply by walking in. However, that's probably because whatever she will wear then enhances her natural gifts. There is, however, one big exception on all of this. Sometimes, very rare, one will catch Liz dressed while she goes to Miss Lovelace. Commonly after a breakdown. She'll be dressed as if she was hiding away. In a hoodie too big (one she 'loaned' from Erik) wearing sunglasses. Obviously hiding away her tears. Her hair, if not covered by the hoodie, is often a complete mess.[/indent] [hr][hr] [center][color=f26522][h2][u]P S Y C H E[/u][/h2][/color][/center] [color=f26522]● [u] P E R S O N A L I T Y [/u] ●[/color] [indent]She's quite independant. That is, she doesn't really need much help in her life. True to a degree but everyone needs help with some stuff sooner rather than later and she's far too prideful to ask it. So yeah, good and bad there. Secondly she's a real helper. Even when you don't ask it. She wants to help everyone. Guide the new ones. Be your wingman. Scan in notes to pass on. Liz just wants everyone to be happy around. A common misconception about her would be that, because she's beautiful she mostly talks with jocks and such. Not entirely true. She's a social butterfly and can and will talk to everyone that grabs her interest. Even if he/she is a so-called nerd. She's a very passionate person that participates in a lot of extra-curicular activities (like acting, writing, painting, school student council,...) so yeah, she's also a very busy bee. Too busy, in fact. She has periodic breakdowns. Finally, she's blissfully naïve. As in, you can manipulate her into doing almost everything if you just ask nicely enough.[/indent] [color=f26522]● [u] R O M A N T I C I N T E R E S T S [/u] ●[/color] [indent]For quite a long time she used love and lust more just for the kick of it. Like most teenagers. She had a few relationships in the past. The most notably being with her current BFF: Erik. However, when she turned 16 something happened. During one the common teenage tantrums she demanded her father to tell about her mother. Expecting to hear that she was a bitch who just left them. Lucas, however, told her the exact opposite. That he felt blessed that she was in his life for at least a few years and that he regretted ever going on a tour when she was in his life. Since then she took love a lot more serious (which did not aid her kind of wonky relationship with Erik at the time). Eventually she broke off and now waits until someone makes her feel like her dad described.[/indent] [color=f26522]● [u] O R I G I N S T O R Y [/u] ●[/color] [indent]She was born from Lucas and his wife long ago. Sort of during her father's "first lif". He was rarely around, going out on military tours constantly, while she stayed with her mom. Liz was always a good kid. She rarely cried or caused trouble for her mother. Though she was a bit harder on her grandparents when she was young. However, at the young age of 3, her mother vanished. Seemingly in thin air. Back then she was far too young to realize what happened. From then she moved in with auntie Lana. The busy business woman still managed to find time to play with the little, happy toddler. Though that wasn't so hard. Even as a young child, Liz managed easily to make a lot of friends. So she was mostly raised by Lana. Who still managed to make the young girl realize that Lucas was her actual father. Though even Lana never talked about her mother. Not even when Liz asked. And Liz, being the dutiful daughter, never pressed. However, the abscence of her dad was felt. It didn't really help that, befor ehe left for a tour, he promised her it would be his last. A promise he did break several times. Until, one night, she was in tears clamping down on him. Begging him to never leave. Yelling at him that he always promised it would be his last tour. He still left the next day, while Liz cried her eyes out. But when he returned the first thing he showed to Liz were his discharge papers. After 8 years without her dad, he finally could be with her. For another year they stayed with Lana (who had grown quite fond of Liz and Liz of her). When she turned 9 they moved to Verona. Liz didn't like that initially. She had made many friends back at auntie Lana's place. But, being the happy child that she was, she quickly started making new friends. Among them was Erik. Her father became a symbol of hard work to her. A value auntie Lana taught her. Just like him she pushed herself to do as much as possible. She got into young acting, started painting and wanted to play the piano. Her father indulged her. Saying that she got the artistic talent from her mother. Liz's determination for hard work only grew as she grew older. Though at 15 and 16 she did like to go party as well. Luckily her grades never really suffered under it. Now, as she's even older still, she's still doing a lot of extra-curricular activities like acting, painting, playing the piano, reading and being on the school's student council. Aside from that she volunteers whenever and wherever she can. During her days of sickness, she mostly remained in bed. Her father wouldn't have it any other way. Not even if she tried. He brought her soup often. One night, the power broke. He lit a candle on her bedstand so she could still read her book. However, that night she did little reading. When her dad closed the door, she felt the warmth of the candle and felt fascinated by it. She moved her hand closer and closer. Trying to feel how much warmer it could feel until it became painful. But that never happened. Instead, she scooped up the flame for a moment. Surprised she dropped it again and it fell on the wick. So it kept burning. Then, with her two hands, she tried to scoop it up again. She held it there for the longest time. Looking at the now golden flame.[/indent] [hr][hr] [center][color=f26522][h2][u]T H E M U N D A N E[/u][/h2][/color][/center] [color=f26522]● [u] S U P E R P O W E R [/u] ●[/color] [indent]Fire manipulation[/indent] [color=f26522]● [u] P O W E R C L A S S I F I C A T I O N [/u] ●[/color] [indent]Ascendant[/indent] [color=f26522]● [u] A B I L I T I E S [/u] ●[/color] [indent]Liz can 'command' flames to do her bidding. In a way this works through "physical mnemonics". Meaning that with physical gestures she commands the flames. It also gives her a level of heat resistance. Her powers are heavily influenced by her emotions. An obvious example would be that fire gets explosively large and hot. Specifically: candle fires would get three to four times their normal size. But anger is not the only thing that controls her flames. When she's depressed hearth fires would look as if the logs barely catch fire. When she's in love the flames have the strangest effect. They sort of 'wave' towards her, then away and then back away from her.[/indent] [color=f26522]● [u] W E A K N E S S E S [/u] ●[/color] [indent]The heat resistance is a fickle mistress. She can almost touch her own flames and not even get first degree burns. But should someone throw her into a fire, she'd most definitely burn. Or, should another Fire Manipulator throw a fireball her, she'd get burned by those flames as well. It all depends upon if she takes control of the flames. She can't make fire, she must work with what's there. Of course she can make more fire from a small flame. But should she be locked up in a metal cage with only a candle, she can only manipulate that little flame. Her control is based around the physical gestures. Tie her up and she can't do anything.[/indent] [/hider]