Name: Maxwell "long shot" Rose (approved over pm) Age: 23 Height: 5' 2" Weight: 180 Looks:[URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] Personality:although the name may state some form of higher class Maxwell is far from it. Born to the hostile wasteland this young mercenary is well acquainted to what it takes to stay alive. At a chaotic neutral stand point of the world Maxwell has a quick trigger finger. No matter who you are this hot head can and will pull a gun on you. Faction:N/A S.P.E.C.I.A.L= (45 Points spread wisely. Cannot go over 10 on any one stat) Strength:5 Perception:10 Endurance:7 Charisma:5 Intelligence:10 Agility:4 Luck:4 Backstory:when Maxwell was only about 4 years old, bairly old enough to fully walk and talk, a group of raiders came and ran sacked his village. His parents hid him away but it did not stop him from seeing. All the villagers screamed in terror as they we're slaughtered and than the raiders entered his home. His father was killed on sight to prevent him from stopping them while the gang up on his mother taking turns before they killed her. Trying to hold his tears he hid himself while the raiders took everything and left. From this point on he was alone. Luckily for him the raiders we're only after money and not food. The young boy collected all the food and everything he had left and started to raise himself, training day and night, to protect himself. Has the boy got older he felt safer with leaving his little town. Without eating human meat he really had no choice but to leave and find supplies. Maxwell, one day, came across a shack that appeared to be empty. He began taking everything he saw, especially food and weaponry. That's when he saw it, the one thing that would change his life forever. There in the corner of the shack was a large gun with a scope on it. He wasn't sure what it did but it appeared to be a gun went for long range attacks. He took this weapon and brought it back to his home. Teaching himself to use it it became evident that he would now be able to protect himself efficiently. Maxwell, now a young man, travels the wastes with no trouble protecting himself. Haunted by his past, killing has become the only thing he knows. He now works as a hired mercenary. Killing and stealing in exchange for caps. Though his prices are not cheap people know his business is worth it. Weapon choice: DKS-501, .44 revolver. Perks (Add only three): rapid reload. Finesse. Sniper. 'Tagged' Skills: guns. Sneak. Speech Any other info not included in the above: Maxwell may not know much about himself but he knows what he likes. In the world of today he would be refered to as pansexual. His Nick name 'Longshot' was created by a legend spoken about him. Tall tales told of a man with enough skill to kill you before you ever even knew he was there.