[quote=@Mega Birb] [@Lonewolf685][@TheWindel][@KoL] Is there any neutral territory in the Nexus that isn't that meeting place in the ass-end of nowhere? [/quote] Why funny you should ask, Birb. ...No seriously, are you reading my notes or something? Cause I'll cut you if I catch you snooping -__- Anyway, yes, there are Neutral Areas across the Nexus. While I'll prepare a more thorough primer on the subject at the start of the Round, I will say that these are areas dominated by those natives to the Nexus before any of the Three factions arrived. They were seeded there and have flourished, creating areas that are usually too troublesome for any faction to deal with without investing their full might on a relatively small area. More often then not, if Three Factions don't encroach on Neutral Territory, then the Neutral territory doesn't capture and enslave whoever gets close, though exceptions can be made. Neutral Areas don't expand beyond their arbitrary borders, but some will have inhabitants who take an interest in the Three Factions conflict, and may partake in a mercenary capacity or other such roles. And before everyone asks, no. You can not leave your faction to join a Neutral Zone unless your are writing off a character into a life of enslavement to violent Amazons or...others. We had a vary specific intent that people are a part of one of the 3 Factions, thus the title, so no matter how tempting it is to go all Princess Monanoke and defend a stretch of forest from the Angelic lumberjacks, it would be a detriment to the player balance we would rather avoid. However, if you want to create a character that is from one of these territories, then we may consider that an easy origin to write, though will be under scrutiny. Much like Switzerland, they remain Neutral because they are powerful in their own ways :3