A small drop of blood trickled down from Amiartys's slightly bruised neck where the markings of Amelia's hands had just been only a few seconds before. He had known that feeling of being strangled once, though that was many years ago when he was younger in age and in spirit. One moment he had tried to amiably control a situation that could have gotten out of hand, the next, he had completely lost that control, leaving Amelia to gasp not only that very heated incident but a tight gasp around Amiarty's neck. Her speed was impeccable, her strike against his pale neck, firm and elegant as she was. Amelia had a tight and very uncomfortable grip around his neck, her fingernails lightly digging into his skin and her hands as tight as steel around his neck. He looked into at her and saw nothing in her face but disappointment and deep into her piercing radiant eyes, Amelia looked at Amiartys as a predator so looks into its prey and in that moment, he understood true fear. Amiartys felt vulnerable in that moment, yet there was nothing he could do in that moment, he didn't resist. He knew that she wouldn't kill him over something as what he considered as frivolous as this though leaders seldom should miss the opportunity to discipline wrong-doers and in that moment, he understood why she did it. She held him with her left arm, lifting him from the ground as if he were as light as some helpless infant, her hands crushing his throat as he subtly struggled against her might. Though despite this, there was no use in even trying, her hands were both as cold and hard as steel. She even appeared to not be straining from lifting Amiartys, even with his gear on that made him a few pounds heavier. Amelia [i]was[/i] quite un-ordinarily strong as the rumors had mentioned, then again Amelia was a very un-ordinary vampire. Amiartys throughout his long life had always been told the tales of the Elders and their vigorous ferocity in battle though he had not witnessed it himself until later in his life in the many wars he had so loyally fought for Nocturne, though never expecting such power to be pointed in his direction. The soldiers during the times of war had circulated rumors that an Elder had strange physical prowess over ordinary people and seldom were rumors ever refuted. Amiartys took Amelia's words and advice with the utmost consideration, for this easily could've been his last. He was even graciously wanted to thank her for her complement on his appearance as she examined him as if he were some sort of specimen. He smiled at her despite his face turning from crisp red to now a light blue. Amiartys could see that Amelia was almost, as some would say, amused with torturing him. Perhaps it was her way of flirting with him and it was something Amiartys had always grown to be used to though never quite in this manner. After grinning at her, Amelia released the grip she so tightly had over his neck, letting Amiartys almost stumble onto the ground had he not been caught by Mycandros. [color=fdc68a]“I do apologize, my lady.”[/color] Mycandros had so apologetically said to her, wanting to drop to his knees if he had not caught Amiartys. He help Amiartys back on his feet and dragged him several paces backward. Quietly, he then apologized to Amiartys. [color=fdc68a]"I am so sorry sir. I would have tried to protect you, Amiartys, bu-"[/color] [color=bc8dbf]"You and I would've been dead in this very council hall, of all places to die."[/color] He struggled to admit though not because he didn't want to, but because of his struggle to even breathe. [color=bc8dbf]"I'm glad you at least understand that."[/color] Amiartys managed to say in light-hearted tone. He then cleared his throat before looking towards Commodry, seeing that he and Amelia exchanged a brief look before Amelia turned away. Commodry had always been a cowardly boy, though he appeared to be rather calm and tranquil with Amelia's presence and had a look of admiration towards her, smiling even as she was walking away. Of all people, Commodry seemed to have developed a fond liking to this Elder woman who he had ever saw the privilege of seeing for himself. Amiartys took a few seconds to recover himself and turned back to the giant man who he had just tried to defend earlier. [color=bc8dbf]"I do apologize again for what happened earlier, some of my men need to know their place."[/color] He turned to Mycandros, who then smiled sheepishly. [color=bc8dbf]"Now. What was your name again?"[/color] [color=fff200]"Hatuum. Just... Hatuum. There's nothing more to add to my name."[/color] He replied, though there was a strange pause as if to say that he was nothing more than just some soldier. He was modest, which Amiartys could respect. [color=fff200]"So... a mercenary leader ? May I ask what you do exactly ?"[/color] He asked. [color=bc8dbf]"I attend to matters that require my expertise and with a generous amount of coins and both I and my men will be loyal to those who employ us like many other mercenary companies. We mainly focus our business in Nocturne for now and though we are small, we comprise of the best men in these lands and beyond, with the exception of a few."[/color] He turned to Commodry, seeing that his eyes were still fixated on Amelia. [color=bc8dbf]"And you, [i]Hatuum[/i], what is your profession?"[/color] He asked, though he already knew that answer in some form. [@Fetzen] [hr] Arielle could not remember what she had dreamt about earlier though she could tell by her mood before abruptly waking up that it was a good dream like the ones she typically had whenever she had slept in a recreational manner during these tedious council meetings. She woke up to the sound of stumbling, only to realize that someone who looked like Amiartys, the mercenary leader who had fought along side both her father and grandfather, had just taken a considerable blow from Amelia though she had not known why. [color=c4df9b]"What just happened, Contentos? Is that Amiartys?"[/color] She turned to her older adviser, who had been pinching the bridge of his nose frustratingly. He was a man no older than sixty and was a hardened veteran of the many battles he had fought alongside Arielle's father many years ago, something Arielle had always been told of since her youth. Though burdened by old age, he carried with him a strong appearance he had conditioned since youth. An excellent swordsman as proven many times in battle as shown by the scar that dragged along his face, just barely missing his eyeball. [color=c4df9b]"Did something exciting finally happen during these boring meetings for once?"[/color] [color=fdc68a]"Yes and yes, madam, that is him. I have not seen him in three years. I'm also afraid you have missed that very opportunity of something you consider 'interesting'. May I remind you that you are in a very important council meeting?"[/color] Contentos lectured her silently. [color=c4df9b]"Yes, yes."[/color] She said annoyingly. [color=c4df9b]"And when something interesting finally occurs, you don't even bother to wake me."[/color] She groaned before wiping the saliva she had left on her boiled leather forearm on her legs. [color=fdc68a]"I was afraid of what repercussions that might ensue in the event that I should awake you after your 'peaceful' slumber."[/color] He reminded her of what happened last time. [color=c4df9b]"[i]Oh[/i]"[/color] She caught on. [color=c4df9b]"I never quite expected you to be a man living in fear of anyone."[/color] She said teasingly, knowing that he was a proud man. [color=fdc68a]"I do not, Baroness. Only strong women with a passion to discipline at a moment's notice."[/color] He replied, though Arielle could not tell whether or not Contentos was referring to either her or Amelia. They both watched as the meeting progressed.