[img]https://cdn1.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/000/051/709/large/pop1.jpg?1399018678[/img] [i]You wake up in your cell with a start, gasping awake as a loud BANG echoes around your cell. Moments later a crackling intercom comes on. "Prisoner, wake up. The Office of Naval Recruiting has approved your plea to join the Privateer Flotilla. Get yourself presentable and stand in front of the door."[/i] The intercom cuts off with a sharp static crackle, and a small hatch opens in the side of the wall to reveal a set of freshly pressed dress clothing - what counts for dress clothing in space, anyway. A simple form-fitting jumpsuit with the standard nanochromatic coating, to fit whatever patterns or colors the wearer wants. You put the garment on, followed by the shoes that were provided. You stand infront of the door for a long moment, starting to get anxious for a few minutes before the door creaks open with a wailing strain, a heavily armed and armored guard holding his shock-baton at the ready. He makes no move to cuff you, but seems miffed about having to play transport duty for a former inmate. "This way." he gruffly says, and the scene is repeated down the hall as the others that have been approved are transported out by the guards. The doors at the end of the hall hiss open as you approach them, following your guard... [b]The Recruiting Office[/b] [img]http://www.ruedystacher.com/images/11_Ruedy_Stacher_Concept_Art_Science_Fiction_Interior_Space_Station.jpg[/img] You pause in wonder as you arrive in the ONR office, staring at the hustle and bustle of the facility - but not for long. The guard jabs you in the back with his stun-stick, buzzing you for a second. You wince as pain spikes through your body, still slightly numb from the first stun-stick strike. Hours ago. The guard physically 'encourages' you in the right direction: to a booth with a harsh-looking blonde woman with the Office of Empire Intelligence logo emblazoned on her uniform. Wordlessly, she slides two papers towards you: a contract full of legalize that you can't comprehend, and the second, a Letter of Marque that needs your signature. She even slides you an old-fashioned ink pen. With the papers signed, she files them away and stares at you a moment before waving you off with a look of disgust. She mutters something questioning your heritage and then looks away, filing the papers away as the guard directs you to a holoterminal: time to choose your ship. A little menu appears, providing info on each of the three choices when you hover a finger over each one. [b]TermiMate 1050:[/b] [hider=Argus-Class Orbital Defense Vessel] [center][img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/starfarergame/images/d/d8/Hammerhead_base.png/revision/latest?cb=20141025053418[/img][/center] [i]The Argus-Class is designed to defend planets and stationary installations, able to soak up firepower and dish out the pain with it's three oversize projectile mounts and thick armor. However, the Argus-Class is an older ship, and lacks the shields of modern day warships.[/i] Reactor Power: 120MW Ammo Capacity: 700m3 Computing power: 100 T-flops Shield Strength: 45 Gigajoules Armor thickness: 450mm Acceleration: 5Gs - SoLx 15 Missile Racks: 2 Projectile Mounts: 3(Oversized) Energy Mounts: 4(PD) Special Ability: Siege Mode. Reroutes engine power to shields and weapons, boosting them by double their fire-rate and strength. [/hider] [hider=Sinope-Class Exploration Frigate] [center][img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/starfarergame/images/1/18/VigilanceShipIcon.png/revision/latest?cb=20130902023028[/img][/center] [i]The Sniope-Class is favored by explorers for it's high speed and good shield capacity, as well as it's variety of weapon mounts. The Sniope is a recent design, and thus, still under critical watch by captains everywhere. The Sniope suffers from incredibly thin armor, however, making it a very fragile ship should it loose it's shielding.[/i] Reactor Power: 80MW Computing power: 150 T-flops Ammo Capacity: 150m3 Shield Strength: 85 Gigajoules Armor thickness: 95mm Projectile mounts: 0 Energy mounts: 2 Missile Racks: 1 Special system: Shield overload. Doubles shield capacity for four posts. [/hider] [hider=Gryphon-Class Missile Frigate] [center][img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/starfarergame/images/e/ec/GryphonShipIcon.png[/img][/center] [i]The Gryphon-Class Missile Frigate is an ancient design, hailing from the first days of the Empire. The Gryphon can launch a large amount of missiles and has significant armor, but lacks any shields at all and is also quite slow, but features one of the highest ammo ratings of it's class.[/i] Reactor Power: 56MW Shield Strength: NONE! Computing power: 45 T-flops Armor thickness: 500mm Ammo Capacity: 550m3 Missile Racks: 4 (one oversized) Projectile mounts: 2(PD) Energy Mounts: 0 Special system: Missile autoloader: instantly reloads missiles. [/hider] [b]The Hangar[/b] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/eb/49/e5/eb49e5770dccf9d97a3501c8dcb38668.jpg[/img] After choosing your ship and her name, you were herded off to the hangar to meet with your fellow captains while the crews readied your ships up for service. A small bar awaits you, while you wait for the rest of your crew and fellow captains to arrive. Welcome to the fleet. You feel a vibration in your pocket; seems they returned your Nanocom. The screen lights up and you see that you've been given a signing bonus of 10,000 credits. A lot, in this day and age. Attached is a small message from the ONR: [i]Welcome to the Privateer Flotilla.[/i]