[center][img]http://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/photo.goodreads.com/hostedimages/1399181944r/9518928.jpg[/img][h1][i][color=palevioletred]Claudia Aluredes[/color][/i][/h1][sub][@Wick][/sub][/center] As soon as they got back home, Claudia busied herself with making the little boy as comfortable as he can be. She brought him into Alex's room and then paused at the door. It's no longer just Alex's room but theirs. A warm feeling spread through her at the thought. She pushed the door open and laid the boy down onto the bed. She tucked him in and surrounded him with pillows so that he didn't fall off. When she was satisfied, she turned to Alex. [color=palevioletred]"Watch him for a while? I'm just gonna go grab a quick shower."[/color] As the bathroom door close behind her, Claudia's thought drifted to how she suddenly has a small family. A soon to be husband and a little boy that seemed to have taken a liking to her. [color=palevioletred][i]Well, given that he was surrounded by vampires, it'd be weird for him not to take a liking to me. I don't think I'll ever be able to have kids with Alex anyway, so he'll be perfect for a son.[/i][/color] She chuckled as she removed her clothing. Her thoughts lingered on the idea of having a child with Alex. [color=palevioletred][i]If we had met when he was still human...I wonder how a biological child with him would look like?[/i][/color] Thoughts of making children made her think about how she felt making love to him. She felt herself heat up. [color=palevioletred][i]At the rate we're going, he'll probably have me pregnant every year. Hmmm...[/i][/color] If the little boy was still asleep, maybe she can ask Alex to come into the shower with her... She poke her head out the door. [color=palevioletred]"Alex... come join me in here?"[/color] she called out softly. [hr] [center][img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/By-81_rIAAAE0g-.jpg[/img][h1][i][color=lightgreen]Darric Shadowforge[/color][/i][/h1][/center] Darric's phone was on the kitchen table when Casey called it. It rang and vibrated and would have fallen off if not for a male hand catching it before it did. [color=lightgreen]"I'm here, baby. You're home late."[/color] Darric stepped into the light, wearing nothing but a towel around his waist. His hair was still wet, having obviously just gotten out of the shower.