[center][h1]Inquisitor Alexius Commenus[/h1][/center] The Master of both the formerly independent Errant Cohort Fleet and re-ratified Ordo Chronos walked through the halls of "Saint's Chariot". His own Battleship, "The Wandering Chronos" was within sight, though he had taken a transport cutter aboard for the meeting. He had deemed not to bring any members of his Ordo for this, it was a private meeting and he could fill them in on any necessary details pertaining to them later. He did bring a small escort of Stormtroopers with him, but they were mostly for show, he and Gregori were allies, after all. He had pledged his quite substantial forces and fleet to the new Emperor upon his unexpected encounter with the system several months ago, and had declared his allegiance to Gregori as well and the legitimacy of his office throughout his own people. In return, Gregori's forces had set about repairing and manning the fleet with fresh troops and had begun resettling the civilians, appropriating their vessels, and had officially declared the legitimacy of Alexius' titles and that of his Ordo, becoming a formal Master Inquisitor again under the Gregorian Imperium. So far, the alliance had been going well between them, but then so far it had fulfilled the easy terms of both sides. Now it was going to be tested. Gregori had told him when they first met that he had plans to expand into the next sector, and this meeting likely was in regards to that. Alexius would now have to see how things went and re-evaluate how to proceed if things did not go according to plan. But that was enough of hypotheticals, time to focus on the now. He left his escorts to their own devices outside of the meeting room, Gregori's own troops standing at attention and unwavering at his approach before making way, they knew of him from previous visits. He entered the room, removing his hat as he did so to smooth out his hair but keeping his coat on. He inclined his head towards Gregori and his captain respectfully with a smile that showed a few teeth. No harm in looking a little predatory. He walked over to to his place near Gregori's right side, glancing over at the woman who was also present. An interesting figure, he hadn't met her personally, but he had heard brief snippets of stories of her, a hedonistic warrior of no small talents. He cared not if she was actually a Slaaneshi devoutee as some of his inner circle suspected based on rumours, if she was, she'd evidently found a way to maintain enough control over herself to make it an effective tool. Either way, he took his own seat near Gregori and made himself comfortable as he waited.