God it was good to be getting back. Later classes were always a pain, not to mention when you have an exam due. Adam hurried down the hall to reach the apartment, he just wanted to sit down and relax. While he was a pretty sociable person, all that talking, and being around busy people, and working caught up with him. His usual drive was starting to wane, as it did this late into the school year. He just wanted to be alone. Alone with the right company. He made it to the door, and reached for his keys. Stopping himself to take of his shades. She always poked fun him for wearing them inside, so it had become habit to take them off. Seconds before she could see. After slipping the eye-wear away he fished out his key card and entered the place. Around the bend of the entryway he could see a dim blue glow. He smiled a little to himself and took off his shoes, nudging them over beside the others with his feet. He took of his coat and folded it over his arm as he made his way into the living room. He lavished his walk there. Not to stall of course, but just to drink in the feeling of being home. Knowing exactly where everything was, being used to the smells, the colors of the walls, the familiar scuffs and bumps. Then the sight of her. Coming into the living room he threw his coat onto the armchair, before looking to the TV screen while swiping his hands through his hair. "How far are you now?" He liked to slide into a conversation. No hello or goodbyes. You would think that being used to so many people coming going would make you act the opposite, but in his mind Adam was in a constant conversation with everyone he knew. He was just picking up where they left off. He made his way around the coffee table and landed close beside Kathrine. He let himself slump into her with a nearly inaudible hum. "How was your day?" He asked aloud, having a decent idea that it wasn't the best, considering the look on her face. [hr] Feeling the breath on her ear she tensed a little. Those were sensitive. Cassandra couldn't help but smile as he whispered in her ear. "Well...It's not so bad." She breathed contently. She had been reluctant to go out. She knew she wasn't the best dancer, but she also felt bad for cooping Markus up like that, plus it was good to get out every so often. She just hoped she wasn't too awkward on her feet. The music filled the air around them, and she did her best to let it move her, though honestly, Markus was doing a better job of that. Earlier on she was pretty tense, well, more so then she was now. All the people around her were so much more used to this then she was, she felt a little out of place. It was worth it though, with how things were going. She had her hands around him and it felt pretty great to be so close with so many people around. It made her feel like she could show off they were together. She lifted her head to get a better look at his face, flipping some hair away from her eyes. He was smiling. She noticed she was too. "Having fun?" She mirrored, looking into his eyes. She saw that look in them. That look she usually saw when they got close. She felt like she was doing something right when she did. Like she had something he wanted. Almost like it flowed through her veins.