"May or may not have been captured by the trinity. Remains to be seen." She winked at him as she paused the game. She leaned into him and sighed contently. His skin was so warm. It made goosebumps break out across her flesh. "Don't. Get. Me. Started. Adam, I think I may go crazy before the week is over!" She turned, leaned back against the arm of the couch, and propped her legs up on his lap, "Why do they make tests so [i]hard[/i]. Like I honestly don't get it!" She let her head roll back onto the armrest and closed her eyes with an exaggerated groan. "Let's play a game." She opened her eyes and smiled over at him. Being overly theatrical was incredibly fun with him. He never seemed to mind it and it was very entertaining for Kathrine. Her eyes found his neck where his veins pulsed. She suddenly remembered that she had yet to feed that day. She was planning on going out before he had come home, but then she had fallen asleep. Now she was just stuck playing it cool while her insides burned with desire. [i]Good going Anna. Damn idiot.[/i]. Her self-depreciating thoughts made her inwardly sigh. Perhaps she could sneak out later to get a midnight thrill. At least the next day would be a Saturday and she had no classes. She could sleep in and then play video games for most of the day. Or maybe she would pick up the damned violin and try again. The offending thing was sitting over in the corner. Out of all the instruments she had ever tried to learn, the violin seemed to be the most elusive. She had played guitar, bass, and cello before. All stringed instruments with relatively the same structure. Yet the violin was being a little asshole. -- Markus grinned when he felt her tense up against him. It thrilled his inner predator. He tried pushing that back as he continued to dance with her. "I told you it wouldn't be terrible." He pressed his lips against her neck. Her pulse pushed against them. He pulled back slightly to look into her eyes. His eyes glistened with playfulness. Even if he was enjoying dancing he kind of wanted to be alone with her for a little while. Something inside of him cautioned against this, however. He had neglected to feed the day before. Now here he was, at typical hunting time, dancing with his girlfriend. Once again neglecting his grumbling stomach. Perhaps he should sneak away into a different room and quickly grab a snack. It would just be for her safety. He glanced around the room after pulling her closer. He couldn't see anyone off by themselves and he knew he didn't have enough time to get someone by themselves. He had to be quick so that Cassandra wouldn't realize anything. Then he heard police sirens off in the distance. Suddenly the lights turned on and someone was yelling over the music, "COPS!" Then the music cut off as well. Apparently, there were plenty of underage drinkers at this little shin dig and someone had made a noise complaint. "Time to go." he wiggled his eyebrows at Cassandra as he grabbed her hand and led her out the back door. They ran down the street together and just as the police swirled on by they began walking normally. "Where to?" He asked, squeezing her hand, "Home or bar?" He was secretly hoping for bar so he could sneak away to feed. Unfortunatley, he doubted she would want to go anywhere right now. She probably wanted to go home.