Adam lifted his hands so her legs could fall in their place. He propped one behind him on the couch and let another fall back onto her. "I think they are hard so they can [i]test[/i] what you know" He smiled at her. At her offer, he throw up a single brow, and gave a small whistle. "What kind of game? You want to Kick my ass at Street Fighter again?" It was well known between the two that Katherine could kick his ass at any game they played. Adam also knew that if he ever won, he was extremely lucky, or being played with in another way. Just when he opened his mouth to say something more, a rather loud grumble exuded from his stomach. He bit his lip and winced slightly. "Sorry. Haven't eaten in a while." He threw a glance towards the kitchen, then returned his gaze to her. "You hungry?" He flashed his white teeth at her, trying to coax her away from the alleged game for a moment. After all, no matter what kind of game it was, they had the weekend to play it, and he played better on a full stomach. [hr] As his lips reached her neck she felt the corner of her lips grow farther apart. She closed her eyes to take in the feeling. He pulled her close to hide his outward gazes, but it didn't matter, her eyes were still closed anyways. Only when she heard a series of loud noises, and felt the absence of music was she pulled from her pocket dimension. She felt his hands leave her sides and meet her own, then she was being pulled towards an exit. She was in slight shock, going from something so pleasant to something so exciting. Well, exciting in another manner. Excitement was an interesting to Cassandra. While she craved it, too much at once honestly scared her. She needed it to keep going but it was also what stopped her more often then not. As they slowed she felt her eyes g heavy, and fall to the floor. She thought that if she looked around as she wanted to, she would seem as worried as she was. With a squeeze of her hand, Markus drew her look back up. She saw his expectant face looking back, as she contemplated the question. She gathered that he probably wanted to keep going. While they were at the party for at least a fair little while, it wasn't that late at all. She tossed around her options, being conflicted. She could go along with him, and they could head out to the bar. But she knew she didn't want to. She wasn't in the mood to drink any more, in fact she wasn't really in the mood to be out anymore. The excitement got to her. "Maybe another night?" She asked sheepishly. She hoped he didn't mind too much. She had been called boring before at stuck in her mind with every decision she made.