"How can you be thinking about food?!?" She exclaimed, "You just don't wanna get your spine torn out in Mortal Kombat...[i]again[/i]." Kathrine stood up and walked into the kitchen. She hoisted herself up onto the counter and proceeded to swing her legs back and forth as Adam followed her into the kitchen. "So. What are ya gonna make? Something good I hope?" Due to her quick reflexes gifted to her by her curse, she was incredibly good at video games. It didn't help that she had the ability to stay up all night without getting tired just to perfect a game strategy. This was likely a hindrance to Adam as he never beat her at any game unless she went easy on him. She wondered how badly this hurt his ego and smirked a little at the thought. She almost said something aloud about it, but she wasn't in the teasing, playful argument mood. Even if her mind was thinking such things anyways. She watched as he moved about the kitchen. Her eyes scanned all over him unwillingly. She knew exactly where her mind was headed to now and she would rather keep it from such things. Somehow after hundreds of years of only being close to her brother she had gotten close to a human. He was funny, sweet, and incredibly attractive. The way she felt around him mirrored what she had felt for her husband Hanz. But those kinds of emotions were no longer allowed in her life. She was no longer human and hadn't been for quite some time. She needed to let go of human connections. Although, it was getting more difficult to see it that way as she settled into living with Adam. They had only been living together for a few months. It felt like an entire lifetime. It felt right and no matter how much she denied it she had fallen for the human standing in front of her. And it hurt. It hurt more everyday as she thought of when she would have to leave him behind. -- He felt his insides fall. He wouldn't be feeding tonight until after she fell asleep. He knew now that he was probably going to stay the night at her apartment as he usually did on Friday nights. How in the world would he control himself? Unless she didn't want him to stay. He would keep his mouth shut until they got to her door.Than he would kiss her, say goodnight, and see if she asks why he doesn't want to come inside. If she asks his hands would be tied and he'd have to go inside to spend the night. If not, which would hopefully be the case, he could go hunt and alleviate any danger she is in by being around him in a hungered state. As they began to walk home he could only feel his stomach growing more hollow. He had been in the sun taught day and it had taken a toll on him. Markus had then attended a party full of many bodies that only strengthen his thirst. How could he be so careless? Especially when Cassandra is involved? They managed to walk through the small college town of Dinkytown without any problems, but then they were finally at her apartment door and he could feel sweat building on his palms. He kept his inner feelings carefully concealed and smiled softly at her. "Goodnight." He leaned in and pressed his lips to hers softly.