[@Pudding][@UnknownScarlet4][@Aewin][@Ailyn Evensen][@tsukune][@Xyo][@MayLien][@CrazyShadowy][@Bishop][@shylarah] Poking everyone who's been in this thread so far and commented, because this is important. Things got a bit off the main points we need to discuss in this thread, but all information is useful if it's relevant and with that in mind I'm gonna make an update post here to let all of you know my thoughts regarding certain elements of the role-play that've been brought up. As mentioned in the rules and later on, the purpose of this thread is to discuss some of the finer details that could only be established once I knew roughly how many people were interested. This thread isn't about criticizing my ideas since the whole purpose of an interest check is to express interest -- those who aren't interested in what's presented shouldn't even be posting. While the conversation that happened previously was useful, and has been explained to me as being not lack of interest but rather being interested but unsure of being able to fit in, I'd prefer this sort of thing not become a routine. If anyone else is interested in the thread but has uncertainties about some of the rules and is concerned they might not be able to express these concerns without being misread, send them to me over PM instead of here (subjective criticisms'll be ignored). If you're confident you won't create misunderstandings, feel free to address them publically here. A lot of the rules put in place were to facilitate the existence of this being an 'Advanced' role-play, because there's a lot more to this tag in my eyes than merely having a lot of content in your posts. I'd also like to make a point that none of this information is inherently new, since it's all in the opening post -- I'm mostly giving this for clarification, and in the case of the last point because I'm looking for input from you all. [center][h3][i][u][b]IC[/b]/[b]OOC[/b] [b]S[/b]ymbiosis [b]R[/b]ule[/u][/i][/h3][/center] Mixing up IC knowledge with OOC knowledge is one of the first signs of bad role-playing, and one of the rules was created explicitly to keep this from happening; however, I believe certain misconceptions might've been made regarding the nature of the rule involving this. If it turns out that the rule isn't clear (I was admittedly quite tired while writing it, as I often am), then I've got no objections to rewriting it. I won't be changing my intended rule, but I'm willing to make it clearer for people. This role-play is listed with the 'Advanced' tag, and I intend to employ rules like this to make sure the integrity of our writing [i]remains[/i] that way. I'm not discouraging people from using the OOC to collaborate and discuss their posts for the IC; in fact, I encourage doing this whenever it allows the IC posts to be portrayed more realistically. There's a big difference between mixing up IC/OOC knowledge as opposed to using the OOC to make the IC more appropriate. For example, the players know more than the characters do by default of the nature of them existing in the fourth wall -- they possess a god-like point of view in terms of how they're able to observe the world around them, which is something the (normal) characters can never do. One of the marks of a good writer/role-player is being able to create a line between what you know and what your character knows, since characters are restricted only to their subjective perspective while the writer/reader sees the world more objectively (with the only subjectivity being what they don't know in terms of spoilers, or information the other players have failed to make clear in their posts/character sheets -- one of the reasons being detailed for the sake of others is very important). With regards to people not being able to effectively write their characters due to the character needing to know something the player doesn't know, this is one of the reasons I encourage people to pick their characters carefully. Yes, it's fine if people want to role-play outside of their comfort zone, and I don't have a problem with people using the OOC to assist each other's posts and make their IC more realistic, but that's a very different thing from using OOC knowledge in the IC -- understanding the difference is very important if you're planning to use the OOC in this way, since one of those things is encouraged while the other is blatant violation of not only this role-play but also [i]writing at its very foundation[/i]. If you're planning on writing a detective (and not a bumbling one), then make sure your deductive skills are reasonable -- it's not like you have to respond to a situation in real time like an actual detective would, so you've got way more time to scrutinize the details by rereading them whereas a detective usually gets one chance to notice something and has to do it instantly. If you're going to play a doctor, make sure you either have a passable knowledge already in medicine, or are willing to do internet research to gain that knowledge when appropriate to an IC post. This is pretty much 'writing/role-playing 101' in my eyes. [center][h3][i][u][b]C[/b]haracter [b]P[/b]ortraits[/u][/i][/h3][/center] This role-play is explicitly listed under the 'Anime/Manga' tag because it's - in my eyes - aesthetically going to appeal to people who are fans of that media (the project isn't inherently inspired by anything specific, since I'm more a fan of the style than I am of any particular fandom), since that style of art is what appeals to me. I'm extremely picky regarding aesthetics and I won't be lowering my standards just to role-play with someone who can't appreciate that form of art. This was made clear in the rules regarding character sheets, so as far as I'm concerned people can either 'take it or leave it' in terms of this detail. If you've got an issue with that media, then this role-play isn't for you (I blatantly said this in the opening post). If you've got an issue with using a character portrait then it's also not for you, but there's already one member in our group who wants in on this role-play yet doesn't normally like using pictures for their characters -- they can do it, so no one has an excuse in my eyes. I'm not the first GM to ask people to provide a character portrait appropriate to the role-play, and I won't be the last. [center][h3][i][u]'[b]G[/b]rim [b]R[/b]eaper's [b]G[/b]ambit' vs. '[b]W[/b]ho is the [b]M[/b]urderer? {[b]G[/b]ame}'[/u][/i][/h3][/center] The decision to have a unique name for this role-play instead of simply calling it 'Who is the Murderer? {Role-play}' has more significance than people might realize. While the initial inspiration to create this role-play came as a result of me deciding to put up that game in the spam forum, the role-play was never intended to be completely bound by it and I've made that quite clear both to people in discussions and also directly in the game's thread itself. I also - even in my opening post for that game - stated that I already had the idea for the role-play in my mind, meaning that some of these ideas were somewhat worked out before I even brought it up. Like I said previously, the direction of this plot could go down very similar to that of the game, if that's the 'route' you all decide to go with, but I've put plenty of other engaging concepts and potentials for plot twists into the role-play as well for those willing to look for them. Also, this isn't a game; it's a role-play -- there's a big difference and a lot of people miss it. I'd prefer that people not think of this as simply an elimination game but rather as a piece of writing (what play-by-post is) in the exact same way that people shouldn't mistake a role-play for a 'Tabletop' game. I should also make a point that a lot (not all) of the people who seem to have taken a liking to this role-play are fans of things like Danganronpa or 999 -- which were far from standard murder mysteries. While elimination rounds were a part of Danganronpa (for example), the main point of the story was actually the characters trying to uncover the mastermind (as opposed to just the murderer) and find a way out of the situation before everyone got killed. With this in mind, it shouldn't come as a surprise to people that something like this is going on with my role-play either, but I was trying to not spell it out for everyone in order to let you guys learn the revelations as they happen. I did leave breadcrumbs in the opening post though, so anyone who thought this was meant to just mimic that elimination game mindlessly in a role-play form didn't read the opening post thoroughly, or pay attention to anything I've said when I've talked about this role-play outside the interest check. I'm not going to be held accountable by people who don't read my posts, especially when this is listed with the 'Advanced' tag. While I've got no reason to think anyone present so far isn't reading my posts, let me make one thing clear... As far as I'm concerned, 'TL;DR' isn't a real excuse in a role-play using the 'Advanced' tag, and people who operate under that mentality don't belong in 'Advanced' tag role-plays period. If you've got a problem with that then leave now. I'm creating this role-play for the enjoyment of those who appreciate it. I [i]could[/i] be working on my 'Guardian Ascension' project and that project alone. I [i]could[/i] also just write this role-play as a novel and make some money. I'm in a long-distance relationship of over five years and am in desperate need of money to fix that dilemma, so keep that in mind. My PC's also regularly screwing up on me and making me lose important work, and the time I invest into this role-play could be spent fixing that problem. I expect people to show some gratitude for me doing this, and not be entitled about it. I'd love to give you all this game to enjoy, but I'm not a pushover and it's not gonna be the end of the world for me if we can't do this role-play because people ruin it. Like I said, this a warning for everyone in general and I'm not pointing a finger here -- just telling people to be adults about this. [center][h3][i][u][b]C[/b]haracters [b]R[/b]emaining [b]I[/b]n [b]P[/b]lay [b]A[/b]fter [b]D[/b]eath[/u][/i][/h3][/center] Now on a more immediate matter -- does anyone have opinions or feelings regarding the possibility that dead characters will be able to continue to be able to take part in the role-play in some sort of light? Before I even consider discussing how this might work, I want people to give their thoughts, since this element's something I believe my plot can adapt around both ways. Those who die can either be out for good, or I can have ways to allow those characters to continue to be part of this thing to a certain capacity -- I'd like your opinions. This idea primarily exists so people who get eliminated don't feel like they're being 'kicked out' of the role-play, but I've got ways I can use it creatively. Just for the record -- [b]characters who get killed because their player broke the opening post's code of conduct section (under the title 'The Rules') don't count[/b].