((I've been talking with Musaki over this, and he has expressed his approval through PM.)) [hider=Gregory Fietmaal.] Name: Gregory Fietmaal Nickname(Optional): Oldie (Disliked.) Angel of Death. (Based upon the decorations.) Age: 40. Gender: Male. Physical Appearance: Gregory is a rather tall man, standing at exactly six feet. Old age hasn't worn on him in the slightest, and he still maintains a powerful physique for combat. Gregory's skin is average, and bears numerous scars from previous fights. His right arm has been replaced by a cybernetic arm, starting at just above the elbow. His left eye has been replaced by a cybernetic one, which also conveniently allows him to designate targets for his tank. Clothing: Gregory typically wears a full military uniform. The primary color of this uniform is black with red trim. Gregory also wears a silver breastplate with a decorative golden skull and wings upon the front to intimidate the enemy. Atop Gregory's head is a hat with a similar color scheme to his clothes and another skull and wings emblem, though this one is in silver. Gregory has a pistol holster on his right side, carrying a large, high caliber handgun for self defense. Upon his right hip is a saber. The saber is in the design of the french navy boarding saber, which lends it a large, straight edge blade with a solid basket around the handle. Occasionally seen mounted over his cybernetic arm is a large claw weapon, which is more than capable of crushing most metals. [hider=Image Refrence.][img]https://1d4chan.org/images/9/91/YarrickPortrait.jpg[/img][/hider] Personality: Gregory is a veteran of battle, and has plenty of experience. He's a "Been there, done that." type of guy, and doesn't hold high regards for cowardice or fear. Gregory is sometimes described as having "Issues with authority." though he will tell you that it's closer to "Ignoring stupid orders." Gregory is a hardass, and is often angry when people fail things he has assigned to them. He sticks to routines and plans, and rarely deviates unless needed. History: Gregory is a native of Inops, and has served in the militia since he was 18. Gregory was initially quite hopeful for the Valkinai suits being used for combat. This, however, completely turned on it's head when he was honored with test piloting one of the suits. A critical failure resulted in an explosion that tore his arm off and cost him his eye. Now distrustful of the technology due to it's infantile and volatile state, Gregory specially commissioned a powerful tank that could go toe to toe with these new suits while still using reliable technology. This has earned them the derogatory nickname of "Oldie" among some of the engineers, though few dare to call him this to his face. Gregory supports the UNF despite the Ordo Sanctus claims that they were built on corruption, and personally believes in the greater good of all humanity, even if it means the death of a few to help the many. Pilot Information: Codename: Angel of Death. Faction: UNF. Rank: Captain. Pilot Rank: Doesn't pilot a traditional Valkiani, but is a veteran with his tank. Pilot Suit Appearance: Wears standard clothing, since it is already a military uniform. Goal: Conquer the enemies of the UNF and finally unite the planet under one banner. Weapon(s): Mechanical claw, sword, and high caliber pistol. Specialty: Durability. Gregory survived an explosion from a prototype Valkinai suit, most people wouldn't have. Tank Information: Tank Name: Fortress of Arrogance. (Due to people considering him arrogant in assuming that Valkinai technology is not 100% the future of combat.) Tank Appearance: [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/32/77/28/327728db657f9e97632560b1704722af.jpg]Black with golden trim, huge tank.[/url] Tank Type: Super-heavy. Tank Weapon(s): Primary cannon: 122mm cannon. Fires rocket assisted HEAT rounds. Secondary cannon: Hull mounted, 210mm cannon. Fires high capacity HE rounds. Primarily used for siege or area denial. Heavy Guns: Hull and turret mounted HMG's and autocannons. Side mounted HMG's may turn up to 90 degrees to engage targets on the sides. Side mounted autocannons may rotate 180 degrees to engage targets all around the tank. Autocannons are loaded with armor piercing ammunition, HMG's are loaded with antipersonnel rounds. Tank Specialty: Durability. The Fortress of Arrogance was built with surviving the evolving battlefield in mind. Special Ability: "Gun it." (Speed boost.) Pilot Stats(Available Points: 10): Physical: 2 Mental: 3 Heart: 3 Teamwork: 1 Awareness: 1 Tank Stats(Available points: 20): Power: 6 Speed: 3 Durability: 6 Range: 3 Energy: 2 Other notes: The Fortress of Arrogance has a powerful energy field protecting Gregory when he stands above the turret. The Fortress of Arrogance is also piloted by an AI referred to as "Ba'al." Ba'al operates on a one to one system with the implanted eye in Gregory's head, which allows Gregory to mark targets by looking at them while he stands above the turret. The tank is also always aware of where Gregory is at any time. Ba'al is also heavily reinforced against hacking and other sabotage. The AI handles all tasks of the tank through automated loaders and other automated systems. The resulting lack of a crew means that the armor and internals may be reinforced by shrinking down the available free space within the tank. The Fortress of Arrogance has a complete blueprint stored within several Inops labs, and Gregory has spent the effort memorizing the design completely. This allows for the Fortress of Arrogance to be easily rebuilt and avoids the "Prototype without plans or backup" problems. [/hider]