[@Mangrale] *James would chuckle as Neric seems to be enjoying himself, petting Neric with her as he thinks along the path. Seems Neric found a friendship with her, not that James minds though. She was rather nice, she would be a rather nice friend to everyone here. That and he did think she was cute, but he would rather keep that to himself and hopefully Neric wouldn't say anything either. Though if he knew the Void he would have to be careful anyway* [@1Hawkeyes] *Hearing someone ask about Neric, James would turn his head to look at Helena. Smiling as he speaks* [color=yellow]"Like he said before, it's hard to explain. I'm glad he's one of those Void that people can actually talk to and try to learn more about. Most others, though there are few others with a Void as it is, if not the rest aren't as nice. Them and their... husk as they call them..."[/color] *The mention of the word would get Neric to growl a bit as James speaks up again* [color=yellow]"I'm just saying what they call their human counterpart. Anyway, Them and their human are more or less darker in spirit and heart. So they most likely are the reason if people don't like us, hopefully we don't have to deal with one of them. Rather not deal with another one. But ya Neric can do things most people can't and the capabilities change with where he is. I mean if he is inside then I can take a knife and it won't puncture my skin unless you use a machine that can act like a battering ram, though that changes on the outside. He can do stuff out here but anything that should 'hurt him' would actually backfire back on me and hurt me instead, though it ain't as bad it gets worse overtime. Though afterwards he would try to come back inside since he helps me heal much, much faster then normal. Just to name a few things."[/color]