Adam let his torso be pushed back by gentle gesture. He raised his hands as if to show he wasn't doing anything wrong with them. "Great." He commented as he turned to fetch some plates for the two of them. He lingered for a second though, looking her up and down, before he faced away from her. "Is there anything you'd like to watch while we eat?" He asked over his shoulder, as he retrieved the plates from a cupboard. They had a few different shows they were watching, which they usually caught up on if they ate together. He went about getting out the cutting board, pizza cutter and oven mitts while he was at it. After they were all layed out he leaned against the counter, crossed his arms and looked back across the room at Katherine. She had one of her trademark grins on, and he found his lips curling in kind. It was infectious and he couldn't care to help it. "What's that look for?" He asked pretending not have any idea. Adam wasn't exactly Einstein, but he certainly wasn't stupid. They had been together for a little while now, and he had begun noticing patterns. She tended to carry that look when she had things on her mind. Whatever she was thinking though, she didn't show. On some level, it kind of bugged Adam, but he also though it was silly. Each person is privy to their thoughts, why did he care? He just knew he did. Kinda. Maybe. [hr] Getting comfortable, Cassandra sidled into Markus' company. They sat together watching an old western movie. She wasn't exactly sure why they chose this honestly, she didn't think either of them were wildly interested on the genre, but she guessed it didn't really matter. Looking up to his face, she saw the Markus was rather entranced. She smiled a little, glad that he was liking it. She rested her head against him and tried to focus on the movie again. She was already losing track of what was happening. She had been paying more attention to his arm around her, and whether or not she was acting ridiculous for worrying so much. She let out a content sigh and let her thoughts wander. She knew why she worried, but it was a little unfair to Markus. She would try harder if she could, to get out with him more and to seem less needy. Yeah she was nervous, but that's alright. Growing makes people nervous after all, doesn't it? "Hey Markus?" She said softly. "We can go out again next weekend too, if you want." She knew it might be a bit much so soon, with homework and all, but she had a feeling he wouldn't mind terribly.