Asta sucked her cheek and shrugged, "It turned into 'we' when I got here... I could be wrong but... isn't that how pronouns work?" She asked a bit sarcastically, "And you're close enough on the phrasing - I get what you're trying to say. Don't worry, I'm not here to set you back," She explained, absently petting Myria. The group prepared for a rest as night fell over them and Asta was thankful for the upcoming rest. They'd been awfully quiet for most of the ride and the wooden cart was hardly comfortable. Honestly, if she had the energy, she would have spent the time walking over riding. However, her recovery made walking a serious problem. Hell, if anything happened before her arm healed, she'd be stuck with only one-handed maneuvers with her blade. She helped set up camp as best she could, arranging some kindling in the midst of their small campsite. Myria ran out into the woods to find more sticks and brambles which could be set aside to better fuel it later. After a bit of time and a little help, she finally started the fire. Asta chose a spot just a little bit set apart from the others, but still under the heat of the campfire. She rested against a tree and Myria did not hesitate to climb onto her lap and stretch out, almost covering Asta's entire body. The Ydra stroked her fur as the pair gradually fell asleep. The next morning was better than the previous day, though the woman could more clearly feel the aches of her bones and muscles as a result of their battle. She rubbed the back of her neck sorely before finally waking up her cobra fox and climbing onto her feet. It wasn't long before the whole crew was loaded back up and on the move, but even then Cecil seemed weary, like he had something on his mind. Asta thought to ask, but then decided it certainly wasn't her place - she'd only seen this boy fall from a roof and hadn't had a single conversation with him. It might only make his situation worse. However, she realized that she had been wrong when he dove from the cart and delivered a blow to protect all of them. It wasn't long before Asta and Myria followed Ethan and Nymira from the cart and her eyes fell on a Varuna. She pulled her bow from its sheath on her back and moved after Ethan, only to be absolutely amazed as the Dimuran girl released a vortex of flame from her hand. She took a step back and looked around, "You're... you're magi?" She asked in shock, looking over to Ethan. "Do you have any idea what kind of danger that brings?" The woman scowled, she'd been hiding her own magic since the Church began seeking her kind out - using it only as a subtle ploy to walk away from people she didn't want to associate with or leave an impression on. But here was this Dimuran girl just... blasting her way through an enemy. Was Amune one of them? What about Cecil or Ethan? It was then that Nymira was confronted with a disgusting creature made of slime. It seemed to disintegrate and burn anything it touched. Was it acidic or temperature? She wondered before shaking her head. For now, she was at a loss that such an aggressively strong magic user was part of this band... even if she was royalty. The blaze, even as it reached unbearable temperatures, seemed to do little to deter the oncoming monsters and Asta noticed that nobody else had much ability to help either. She stepped forward and drove her falcata into the dirt, reaching over to grab a few pins from their holding location on her belt. "Keep it up, Nymira!" She shouted as the girl dodged through the slimes before throwing her pins out, each finding a place near the slimes. With a flourish of her hand, Asta let out a slow breath and from the ground began to rise three separate clouds of velvety purple and black smoke. However, the smoke did not rise into the sky, it began to wrap around itself and take form as three low growls filled the air and from the summoning points rose a trio of vazra. Each of them were about the size of a wolf and they seemed to leak shadow as the smoke dissipated and left only the summoned creatures standing in its wake. They all snapped their teeth at the slimes, including the one that had attempted to follow Nymira, threateningly before pouncing on them viciously. "Ethan, help Nymira, I'll handle these three as best I can, but I can only hold onto three - five is harder to control," She told him, her hand remaining outstretched as she focused on maintaining her summons. "Find some way to handle the other two." She tensed her jaw, furrowing her brow in concentration as she focused her magic into the beasts. They were certainly smaller than the slimes, but slightly smarter, so they could hold their own. Thankfully, the Varuna didn't try to summon anything too heavy, as he had to maintain them and use his own magic to fight off the rest of the group.