[@Heap241][@DriveEMOut] [center][h3][color=ed145b]~Claudia~[/color] & [color=ed1c24]Evelyn[/color][/h3][/center] Claudia didn't exactly know how to...well, indeed she [i]did[/i] know how to take the woman's delightful invitation, but it would be crass of her to take advantage of such a sweet, generous, and absolutely beautiful woman such as Madam Mitzuki. Maybe a little casusl conversation would be nice for a pleasant evening together. Claudia wanted to know all about their mysterious lady...and [i]then[/i] maybe they could get to the fun part. The red haired woman sighed pleasantly with a longing expression glued to her face, enjoying the sight of her lady's smooth hips swaying underneath that elegant kimono. How she couldn't wait to see it slip from those creamy shoulders in the pale light of a full moon. Claudia, her face was burning hot just thinking of it. Blissfully she sighed to herself leaning against the table with a happy, lazy grin swishing her wine about. [i][color=ed145b]~"Ahh~ mon amour, vous serez le mien...!~"~[/color][/i] ((Translation: "Ahh~ my love, you will be mine...!~")) [hr] [color=ed1c24]"WHAT THE CHRIST?!!"[/color] Evelyn was pretty much jumping out of her skin upon seeing that...that...fucking evil thing! She jumped backwards nearly fifty feet, shuddering uncontrollably towards the disgusting green alien thing. The mantis sat peacefully in Aaren's hand cleaning off its antennae with its....its scythey arms of death. [color=ed1c24]"D-dude! I'm cereal! G-get that fucking....THING away from me! Now!"[/color]