Adam followed after her back into the living room. He chuckled a bit at her choice of show, "sounds good to me." but of course conceded non the less. He didn't take the show too seriously, so it was pretty alright to just joke about it and chat while they ate. He found the whole thing kind of silly. He didn't really subscribe to the whole vampire shtick. As he plopped down on the couch he couldn't help but watch her instead of the TV. His eyes going up down he felt himself putting on his own "i'm not thinking of anything" face. What a silly idea. [s]She was pretty[/s] It was a pretty bad train of thought honestly. They lived together, what if things didn't work out? Just because they treated each other dangerously close to more then friends already didn't mean that they thought that way of each other. Well. That she did of him. He had stopped lying to himself about he felt toward Kathrine. She hadn't seemed interested this whole time in anyone, so he figured maybe that just wasn't her thing? He noticed he was still staring at her and blinked hard, then popped the joints in his neck and looked away, for something/anything to distract him. [hr] Taken by surprise, Cassandra found herself down against the couch. Her hands were pinned and their lips were together. First her eyes went wide, then again they closed. She felt his face leave hers and move lower. She was torn between asking what had gotten into him, and not ruining the moment. It didn't matter though, because before she could speak, she felt his lips again. The words left her and she went with the flow. After another second of adjustment, everything again, shifted. A sharp pain pierced her neck. Her eyes shot open in alarm, she felt the hands around her wrists tighten, and suddenly the life was leaving her. She stared at him as he drew all the blood he could drink. She was afraid. Devils in the form of memories filled her mind, and she could muster no bravery to move. The past aligned with the now, and while she didn't truly understand what was happening, she was too flustered and begot for it to matter. She paled as more and more lifeblood left her body. She went limp as her energy went with it, and her eyes began to dim, and flutter, fighting to stay alert. A swirl of negativity filled her heart, which so usually kept her alive, now pumped her essence out of her. She reached inside with what left of her will to do something, anything to change things. She found nothing. She let a breath leave her, and then darkness.