[@Rusalka][@The1Rolling1Boy] Aravanth crossed her arms, hip cocking to the side as she watched the girl hop down and slap her brother across the face. Her brows lifted in mild shock before laughter tumbled from her lips. The absurdity of all of this was quite amusing to the young mermaid. "I'm Aravanth, I thought you were a bunny," she sighed, somewhat apologetic for frightening the girl. Her eyes shifted to the white haired male, watching as they both bowed. It felt odd, being bowed to. "Hey wait a minute," Aravanth said, stepping closer to the owl. "You're the owl that always flys around!" She chirped, bouncing on her toes. "Aren't you the sweetest thing, taking care of your sister~," She mused, cupping the males face and rubbing their noses together. She giggled, floating over to the vampire, that she had yet to learn the name of. Her arms liiped around the woman's trim waist, leaning into her side, head resting on her shoulder. "Aren't they cute together? Such sweet siblings~" She hummed, looking up at the red head with a tempting smile.