[center][img]https://media0.giphy.com/media/26uf9G4WPSplYs45W/giphy.gif[/img] [i]Update for you folks. To give time to those still working on their sheets, I'm aiming for the IC to go up either Monday or Tuesday Night depending, though I'm leaning towards Tuesday. It would be super helpful if you could have your sheets done by then. If you can't don't worry it'll be easy enough for to jump in. To everybody else who has already been accepted or is waiting for me to review you sheets, I'm going to give you some more homework. I want y'all to start thinking about character relations and opinions of one another. Nothing needs to be finalized since the characters are bunch of strangers so such views will develop naturally over time, but just so everybody has an idea of the group dynamic. Yes, I know I'm a terrible person forcing you all to socialize but its important so go make me proud. [/i][/center]