Annalies could practically feel his eyes on her as she watched TV. Out of the corner of her eyes she kept peeking. When he cracked his neck she raised an eyebrow and looked over at him, "Watchya thinkin' about?" She had to admit she was curious to learn why he had been staring at her more often lately. Maybe it was her hair. This time around she had nearly fried it with the bleach. Perhaps she would go back to black and maybe add some purple or red streaks into it. Her hair would recover quickly from dying it such a dark color hopefully. A quick glance at her phone revealed that it was nearly 10 already. She figured she would try to go to 'bed' soon and then sneak out to get her sustenance. The thought thrilled her and she bit back a smile. It would be the perfect ending to a nearly perfect evening. Spending time with Adam always seemed to make her feel alive and after drinking some blood she would be floating all the way up on cloud nine. Perhaps she would also find herself running along a few trails in wolf form after getting her snack. She suddenly craved that feeling of freedom. Her plans made her feel giddy on the inside. -- He felt her tense. It only increased his pleasure. All of the humanity had left Markus. Only the vampire remained and he was certainly enjoying himself. The blood coursed through his body and he felt warm. He felt himself floating through air. Dizzy with happiness and power. Oh the power that flowed through him. He had never felt this way when drinking blood come to think of it. This human's blood had a certain taste to it. Almost magical. He couldn't stop himself even though he had planned to only take a little. It was too good and the predator decided right then that he should kill her. But when the flow began to weaken and her body went limp Markus snapped back into himself. He quickly pulled away to see an unconscious and extremely pale woman, "Cassandra!" He said, "Oh my...damn it, Markus." He cursed at himself as he made a split second decision. He had to turn her or he would lose her forever. He bit his wrist and shoved it into her mouth. Her body was still limp and it scared the crap out of him. He picked her up and cradled her in his lap as he fed her more blood. "Please. Come back. I am so sorry. I fucked up. Don't leave." He whispered into her hair as he held her close. He hadn't felt so vulnerable since his family had been massacred. He suddenly remembered the night his life was forcibly taken away from him. He had just done the same thing to this young woman. How could he be so selfish? [i]Because you are a monster. A demon. That is your nature. [/i] His thoughts whispered to him. For the first time in over a hundred years, the vampire Markus began to cry.