[center][h3]Sapphire Inn - Royal Suite, Main Room 5/7/2015 - Sunday[/h3] [@floodtalon][@enterthehero][@itano123][@Haru Nyan] [@I-am-X][@Sen][@Takaru] [@Reaper][/center] As the events unfolded and the shadow began to take it's monstrous form, Jun decided to pick up a weapon from the ground. It was one of the dungeon's weapons, more importantly, she was putting herself in danger. [color=slategray]"Wait! Get back!"[/color], it seems she didn't heed this warning. Her shadow warped into the form of a demonic shogun, it's features were obviously female, but mixed in with it were knightly and feminine features. That wasn't all of the shadow though, in one arm was a princess-like figure, and the other was a longsword. As Jun charged at the shadow, she realized that her weapon phased right through the shadow, her punches and kicks merely bounced off of it. With manacing laughter the shadow raised it's blade to strike her down, and that would've been the end of her, had Rui not summoned his Persona to block the strike. [color=slategray]"I told you to get back"[/color], he ordered. Jun was pulled back by the rest of the party was they moved into position. As they did so, the knights along the sides were beginning to form. There were roughly 3 of them. [color=aba000]"Rui, I'll handle the knights, you push that shadow back. Ayano, scan the shadow for weak points, once we clean these knights up, we'll wrap this up and dispose of the main target"[/color], he ordered. [color=slategray]"Understood. Akane, take my place at the front and I'll be your backup, Sen, strike it with magic between intervals, and Kotori, keep us and even Kami's team healed up"[/color], [color=aba000]"Right guys, pick a knight and have at it"[/color], it appears Kami's job was a bit simpler, regardless, it seems most of his party was forced to duel the knights. The entire two teams were surrounded, with Jun in the middle, the one they were rescuing. [color=slategray]"You, I suggest you sit there and think about everything you've heard that thing say. That thing isn't just some monster, it's a part of you. So think about that"[/color], and with that he turned back to fight it. Those without the power of Persona, cannot possibly hurt their own shadow, let alone other shadows, try as they might, nothing will work without the power.