[@SpookySquid] "W-wha- bzzzzzt sir? Can you hear me?" Click. Those were the last words Mrs. Pickle heard from the HA before his call was cut off due to bad service. Sprint, what could you do. From the broken debris of what used to be his house, a faint growl could be heard. The same door Mrs. Pickle came from broke into pieces, the giant chimera's bloodshot burning with rage fixed on the hero. It slowly walked towards the man, as if trying to figure out what to do next or contemplating what to do next. It stopped, a few feet just before Mrs. Pickles. It let off one more faint growl before falling over dead [color=yellow]"WHAT!?!"[/color] A sudden mans voice could be heard. From an abandoned house emerged the one and only, Dr. Gumbo [color=yellow]"HOW CAN SUCH A MAGNIFICENT CREATURE LOSE TO, TO, TO THAT!?"[/color] He yelled, pointing at Mrs. Pickle as if someone were watching [color=yellow]"No! I will not, can not accept it. It was too weak, too pathetic, it wasn't perfect!"[/color] He said, kicking the dead beast a few times before turning to Mrs. Pickle [color=yellow]"YOUUUU! I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOUUUU!!"[/color] He let out a 13 year olds equivalent of a battle cry, charging at Mrs. Pickle with a half assed form and an even more half assed punch, aiming it at the weakened Mrs. Pickles jaw.