[h2][color=ed1c24]Kara [/color]- Surface ==> Crypt[/h2] Kara huffed a bit at Alea's accusation. Kara was offering her lunch, two lunches in fact! Kara would kill for charity like that, literally! Of course, that pailed in comparison to her next actions. The spider woman, now at eye level due to slightly crouching down, [b]pinched Kara's cheek, and called her 'squishy.'[/b] Kara spared the spider no smile, not even a glare of hatred. All she offered was a simple response, straight faced with no emotion. [color=ed1c24]"I assure you, all things are squishy when pierced."[/color] Before her dagger was fully raised though, the wing of Bartimus caught her eye in her peripheral vision. "I am Bartimus. I am to be your... caretaker, as you like. I do hope we can get along, little one." He spoke softly, his rugged form accentuated in the sunlight. The sight of his plumage certainly made Kara more calm, and the idea of killing someone so baselessly in his presence seemed in poor taste. She responded with a curt and polite [color=ed1c24]"Ah-I hope so as well, Bartimus."[/color] since her mind was frankly going a bit blank while looking at him. For now she'd try to keep professional, and stop looking at his chest so much. That proved easy enough when Irthorne began a speech. Kara, Bartimus, the spiderwoman, and someone named Masrith and Amarilla. As long as neither of those two names belonged to the oddly dressed man with the dancing shadow, Kara was certainly fine with that arrangement. It seemed that neither was, as said man approached Irthorne with a request. Subtly getting a bit closer to listen in (not that the man bothered being quite or smart) Kara wasn't surprised to hear herself mentioned. He was trying to remove her guardian from the situation and get her alone in the crypt. She had to convince Irthorne to force him back to the surface. [color=ed1c24]"Ah, you're the kind of man who spends much time in caves and takes interest in young girls? Besides, Bartimus is warrior who I am proud to be the ward of. I will not budge on this matter."[/color] Kara said, hugging Bartimus purely as a gesture to garner belief and sympathy and nothing else at all. The blushing was for effect too. Either way, if Irthorne was sensitive enough to take pity on her, he'd keep strong in his choice of guardian. [color=8dc73f][i]We'll have to take care of him later, be sure not to let him get away. Could be dangerous.[/i][/color] Azarel reminded. Still, seemed like a better idea to put off the fight until either she had someone on her side, or she had more power backing her.