By Cyric's black balls, who let the doily whipped, virgin princess of a knight into the room? Assallya had been about to argue precisely that and barter for more coin. After all, the entire point of such risk taking was looting the bones of long fallen civilizations. Kings and Lords of this era were notoriously tight fisted with their coin. If they couldn't empty out their own purses then why not pilfer a little something on the side while doing great heroic deeds. The blonde elf girl considered. She had originally considered playing at being the foolish simpleton girl that the men would feel obliged to protect but with the roguish woman and now this plated spoilsport ruining the fun there seemed to be little point to that tactic. Maintaining her assumed erect posture and regal demeanor she added a a noble's flair for the dramatic. It didn't quite fit the loose blouse but thankfully her colourful skirts were beneath the table. "What need do the dead have their spoils?" the gypsy girl asked, tilting her head and peering back at the most unwelcome visitor with a smile that was entirely a lie, "I would argue that there are a great many orphans you could support with your gains or are you claiming that the moldering remains have more need of it than they? That would be quite immoral would it not? Sacrificing all those poor orphans on the altar of someone's selfish notions of idealism. "Sir," she continued, addressing the Lord of Griffonwatch Keep, "I would say three hundred pieces of gold and exemption from taxes all manner of treasures we may stumble upon in our journeys."