"Shit" Thought Adam on hearing her question. He turned his gaze back to her and threw up his brows ever so slightly. "Hmm?" He hummed, feigning ignorance. He hoped he looked as reclined and relaxed as he though he did. After milliseconds that felt like minutes he caved somewhat. "Oh, not much. Just school and stuff." He used this answer as an excuse to look at the TV. Hoping that would be the end of THAT conversation. Just as she glanced at her phone, the oven beeped, signalling both to put the pizza in, and that he was probably in the clear. The better part of an episode in, and a freshly heated pizza later, Adam was walking back into the living room, with one plate in each hand. He smiled as he gestured with her plate, and handed it to her, before sitting back down beside her. He crossed his legs up on the table, and took a bite. "Shit!" He reared away from the plate and fanned his mouth. Let your pizza cool before consumption. Fighting a scalded tongue and the laughter of mild embarrassment, he looked away from Katherine. "Is hod" he managed back to her. After managing to get the piece out of his mouth and into his stomach, he let his mouth hang open slightly, letting his poor tongue get some air. "God a boooo" He jeered. [hr] Things were hazy. Cassandra felt her body floating on air. She didn't know where she was. She didn't even know if her eyes were open. It was so dark either way she could't tell honestly. The low humming sound that was all encompassing, shifted and changed. It took form eventually becoming the sound of people talking. Arguing. Her eyes adjusted and she was in her room. Not her room now, but her room roughly 6 years ago. She was laying in her bed, confused and dazed. She blinked hard a few times and managed to get herself out of bed. She was dizzy on her feet. She managed her way to the door, and opened it slightly, letting some light and noise spill in. "Well maybe I never signed up for this!" She heard her mothers voice. What was happening? Why were they fighting again? "Don't act like this is happening to you, it's happening to me! This is my problem!" Wait, this was familiar. "Yeah! It is a problem! You ARE the problem!" The last shout was followed by a chair clambering and a loud thudding sound. Flesh on flesh. Dad hit mom. She felt tears sting behind her eyes. The air was sucked away and the door slammed shut. She was looking at the long mirror she had on the back of it. Her nose and neck were bleeding. "Wha-" Was all she managed to murmur before she was falling to meet the ground. More darkness. This time she woke to a touch. Hands against her shoulders. She was pinned to a tree. A shadowy form somehow more black and dense the void around was the one holding her there. It had no eyes, but it had teeth. It moved closer, and it was all Cassandra could do in a confused blur, but to will him away. And so away he went. Flying backwards with a powerful push, he flew. She stared in bewilderment. This didn't happen. He didn't stay down the first time. She felt trickling down her face and onto her shoulder. Her hands came up to feel her bleeding nose and neck. "Wait.." She took an unbalanced step forwards and went spiraling back into the ground. Through the fall leaves she hadn't noticed, and back into the darkness she did. Again, she woke to someone elses hands on her. Pining her arms above her head. It was Marcus. He came closer, and closer to her, and as he did, he grew and shifted. Spun into a miasma of darkness. His teeth were so white. And sharp. He lunged, and she screamed.