Interesting! Would definitely like to take part, if you'll have another player. Although do wanna let you know(in case you haven't noticed) that the picture you have in your first post right above the description of Mundin is uh. Not displaying(just a little icon denoting that there [i]should[/i] be something there). As for which character to bring in...I have a couple ideas calling to me for this one, although one of them I might decide against even if we can have multiple characters on the grounds of her powers being Creepycreepy for people who don't like spiders. Actually, she might not work anyways, depending on how much you'd allow transhumanist type stuff-I know you mentioned not having the formerly-summoned things playable, but I dooon't know if she'd be able to slide by on a technicality of her having been [i]previously[/i] human or what. Regardless! Even if that character can't work, I do have a much more grounded idea for a Technomancer that should remain appropriate regardless.