[Center][img]http://i.imgur.com/qYMbX0Z.png[/img][/center] Cobalt sighed as Emerald attempted to slip by everyone, just because they didnt have the hearing of a Faunus didn't mean they couldn't hear at all. [Color=steelblue]"Hey Diamond, could you go after her?"[/color] Before he had even finished the sentence she was already gone, pursuing the runaway neko. Cobalt sighed and looked at Oswald. [Color=steelblue]"I think I might be getting out today. Any news for you?"[/color] His scroll suddenly beeped as he received a message from Diamond. [pre] To: Take aim first ask later You look like you'll be the first one out, assuming Emerald doesn't sneak off again. Come find me when you do, I want to talk about something. Alone.[/pre] Cobalt frowned and began typing a quick response. [pre] To: Hat Aficionado No problem, I should be out by the end of the day. Make sure to tell Emerald not to get out of bed till she's fully healed. I'll buy a bribe if I have to. I'll text you once I get out.[/pre] Cobalt put his scroll into sleep mode and set it down. [Color=steelblue]"Sorry, had to take that."[/color] Cobalt explained to Oswald quickly. [@Forsythe][@MULTI_MEDIA_MAN]