"Based on our limited intel, seems like Valkyrie operatives use various methods to disguise themselves, but trained professionals should see through it. If any of them are in there, they should stick out like a sore thumb" JB answered Viking and Breach "As for limbs, I'd prefer if they were all intact, we don't know for sure what'll set off that nanobomb, so best to err on the side of caution" He turned back to Merlin "My thoughts exactly" he scanned around the chopper, stopping momentarily on each of Wizard's squad "Follow his lead and we'll all make it out of here ok" The remainder of the ride was mostly silent, the team talking amongst themselves as JB and Merlin reviewed the intel and lightly conversed. The pilot radioed in to signal that they were about to descend and JB passed on the news to the others. The engine cut out and the group disembarked. The crew and men stationed aboard the cruiser didn't know who these people were, just that they were not to ask questions. A sergeant guided them down to the launch and showed them the Zodiacs. JB wished Merlin's squad good luck and soon, they were off, speeding towards the landmass in front of them. Almost an hour had passed before Fireteam Alpha were in position. They had done some primary recon on their side of the facility, and were surprised to find the security to be fairly lax. Either Valverde were a lot more amateurish than they appeared, or the Valkyrie's weren't even here. From his elevated position, JB spied on the facility through a pair of binoculars, scanning for any sign of Valkyries. He tapped into the comms. "Eagle here. No sign of Primary Targets. Repeat, no sign of Primary Targets, this might be a bust op. Fireteam Bravo, report. Are you in position? How copy?"