[hider] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/rARUvRAl.png[/img] "Scream, suffer, struggle, cry in anguish! Show me what drives your idiotic existence!"[/center] [b]Name[/b]:: Vega Ashworth [b]Nickname/Alias[/b]:: The Reaper [b]Gender[/b]:: Male [b]Age and date of birth[/b]:: Aged 25, exact DOB unknown [b]Guild[/b]:: Golem Hand [b]Rank[/b]:: A (the very top, his personality makes qualifying for S problematic) [b]Personal Information[/b] [b]Personality[/b]:: If you were to ask anyone, they'd tell you he was a serious sadist. They're not wrong, in fact they're quite right. He enjoys making trouble for others, one way or another, he just enjoys messing with others, ally or friend. It's visibly noticable he's softer towards those in Golem Hand than those in Harpy Wing, but it's still common knowledge people don't like being in the same room with him, and he's perfectly fine with that. He's still very prone to starting fights, and is of no help in Harpy-Golem relations, then again... No one else in either guild is of any help to it anyways. It was much worse when he first joined, when a fight of some kind would break out almost every day, but these days it's kept down to snark and mischief, and only occasionally straight out fights. If you were to attribute his role in Golem Hand, it'd be the seriously jerk-ass older brother. He messes with people because he enjoys watching people respond and react, even if it's ignoring him, because he knows he eventually got to them. He hates losing, naturally, and loves to win, but he hates losing so much that whenever he does, he'll probably angrily curse and be in a bad mood for a day before trying to find new ways he can use his own skills, dirty or cool, or complex tricks, whatever works and wins him the next fight is fine by him. [b]History[/b]:: Vega was an orphan in a town in a foreign land, he was mostly a thief for much of his early life, stealing and even using a knife to intimidate others when things didn't go his way. Eventually he stumbled into a mage's study and was completely overwhelmed by his skills and powers. Though rather than submitting him to the authorities, he took interest in the boy, mostly for what he was trying to steal. It was a magical tome. The old mage had plenty of other valueables but was wondering why he chose a magical tome. It was simple to Vega, so that he could learn magic and help make his life better. The old man laughed, and almost instantly took him as his pupil. It was strange, after years of thievery, he was now working a legitimate job and learning magic as the old man's pupil, even under the old man he never lost his mean streak, as he was often getting into fights even back then with other magic pupils under other masters or even guilds. He learned some rather basic magic and magic theory, and soon became a decently powerful mage. Soon the old man died of old age as he'd expected, the will left the house to the town, as a library, but one tome was left to Vega. At first he didn't like the deal, but as he read the tome... He enjoyed the thought of using this magic. So for the next year or two he would travel around, learning his new magic, Spirit Eater, and testing it on other mages he would meet. His skill as a result was born in combat as this magic was originally intended, an anti-mage magic from an old civil war. Eventually his prowess with this magic would earn him an epitaph, "Reaper", known by travellers all over. For a few years the continent would experience a slight terror on their roads where a mage would challenge another to combat, using a black devouring magic. Many had suspected he might be a Dragonslayer, or any of the other Slayers. Some of those did come at him, he was considered a rogue mage and thus had a bounty on him for his capture, though in the face of his magic, their magic was useless, and those who realized this and fought him with weapons, realized he was quite skilled with regular weapons himself, and would find themselves generally at a disadvantage when fighting him. His magic was versatile, and due to it's nature, severely limited viable options against him. Regardless, he wasn't attracting the very top of the crop, his capture was still relegated to those of B and A class, but one day he would meet the leader of Golem Hand. Fighting an S class or higher for the first time, he thought it was over, but soon he would feel dejavu. The leader of Golem Hand, offered to recruit him to his guild, it was that, or be turned into authorities, and he accepted the offer. A year on, he's climbed the ranks, both officially, and power-wise, and pretty soon he was among the very top mages of Golem Hand. It was still strange to him to have people he could call friends, though he would try to use that word or meaning as little as possible, the idea was so sappy it almost made him sick, but as some in Golem Hand have witnessed, when times are trying, he'll turn that sadism of his on their enemies. [b]Magic[/b] [b]Magic Name[/b]:: Spirit Eater [b]Description[/b]:: According to records, the Spirit Eater is a unique magic from an old age, it used the "elemental eating" properties of the Dragon Slayer magic as it's basis, which explains why they use similar forms. This magic is incredibly vindictive, as it was designed to defeat other mages. Based on the age of the tome this magic is learned from, it is likely it originated from a very old mage civil war of sorts, which explains it's anti-mage properties. The magic takes form as a black aura intertwined with another colour depending on it's user. The aura is matte and semi-solid, allowing it to collide with other objects and energies, and upon contact will simply "eat" the magic away from it. For example, if it comes into contact with say, a bubble shield made of magic, or magically conjured flames, it will eat them whole. However, if the magic is manipulating something, it will simply cancel the magic's sway over it upon contact. This can be useful when he's freeing himself from binds or debuffs, or freeing up allies. He is also able to form weapon-shapes from this magic and use it in combat, the way he can use this magic is only restrained by creativity. [b]Equipment[/b]:: [list][*]Twin Knives, Nyx and Erebus - Both have the identical function of being able to channel magic of any kind and turning into swords, or combining and turning into a larger spear-like weapon of the user’s choosing, the form that Vega chooses which is the scythe is what gives him his nickname.[/list] [b]Fighting Style[/b]:: His fighting style often forces the opponent to his own pace, trying to outpace them with a huge variety of attacks and constant assault, counter-assault, and shutdown. His style is oppressive and provocative, and wholly destructive. It's like watching a wild beast charge someone down, but occasionally at key moments, you see the visage of a disciplined swordsman make a decisive and precision strike. It's a style unique only to those who have lived their lives fighting in any way they can, using any trick they can to the limits of their being. Seasoned martial artists may recognize some of his disciplined forms as a bastardized version of existing ones, simply because he learned them on the fly when fighting their practitioners. On that note, his hand to hand and use of knives is quite skilled. His pacing in battle is controlled by what combat option he chooses. He has his knives for fast and erratic, the sword forms for mid-range, and the scythe for slow and powerful. Because of how quickly he can switch between them, he can surprise his opponents by laying into their defenses, before suddenly bringing out the scythe and overpowering them, as well as a variety of other ways. His strength is all in making someone fight on his terms, as he has few reliable defensive options. [b]Known Spells[/b]:: Ghoul Stance (these are his quickest moves) [list][*][b]Phantom Blade[/b] - Simple mid-range slash. It extends a lashing form of his magic on slash with his dagger. [*][b]Ghoul Fist[/b] - He can cover his attacking movements in his aura, allowing him to power through magical attacks simply by coming into contact with them. His punches and kicks are fast and ferocious, seeming to take no form of a proper martial art. [*][b]Shadow Step[/b] - Accentuating his attacks he can use this generally basic skill to reposition to resume his onslaught on someone retreating, or strike from a new angle. These steps are short and quick. [*][b]Ghost Rush[/b] - Covering himself in his magic he rushes forward and strikes in any way he desires. Punch, slash, or reap, whatever. The main use of this due to it's speed and range, is to punish anyone simply trying to stay at a range from him. This move can let him transition between his stances without giving it away whatsoever as he transitions while hidden by his magic.[/list] Soulbreaker Stance (named after the move that creates this stance) [list][*][b]Soulbreaker[/b] - He channels magic into his knives and quickly creates a curved sword, like a smaller version of his scythe's blade. He can use this like a normal weapon, kicks, slashes, fancy sword techniques etc. [*][b]Tsujigiri[/b] - A quick-draw version where he can surprise his opponents by seemingly going for a knife strike, but is in fact "drawing" his blade as the Soulbreaker sword comes out. It's also helpful to note he can form two of these, one for each knife. [*][b]Demon Fang[/b] - He slashes the ground and sends a fast-moving ground-hugging projectile. Though weak, he can very easily follow up with the move. [*][b]Wraith's Greatsword[/b] - One blade becomes immense for a single slash. The strike has enough force to break most defenses, and has some serious drain. [*][b]Ethereal Flourish[/b] - A quick and fast spin attack that hides him from view for a short moment. He can come out of this with his scythe or his simply twin daggers, or not change at all. Like Ghost Rush, it's one of his moves he uses to transition.[/list] Reaper Stance (named for the use of the scythe, his slowest but most powerful stance) [list][*][b]Reaper's Scythe[/b] - Combines the daggers together and channels magic, forming a scythe for regular use. Strikes from this weapon have serious draining effects. [*][b]Dullahan[/b] - Named so because that's what it does to people. An incredibly fast strike at a precise point, very specifically aimed for the neck. Though it does no damage, it will stun and cancel whatever magic the opponent is using or has active, and drains magic. He needs to be spaced very specifically for this move. The move can deal damage if they are inside it's "sweet spot" where it will stun and cancel the opponent, and thus as a result will just come out as a normal strike. [*][b]Soul Harvest[/b] - The bread and butter of this stance. A wide-area swing with extended range, whose direction and trajectory can be changed very easily and quickly. He can use this roughly three times consecutively. [*][b]Lifehunter[/b] - A single scythe swing. Huge area covered, and impossible to defend against, as it cannot be blocked as it will phase through physical defenses, and cannot be clashed, as it will simply eat anything magical too. Evasion is almost always the only way to contest it. Uniquely, this move will actually convert drained magic into health. This is his only means to heal himself. It doesn't deal much more damage than a strike with his scythe, but will stagger his opponents like the wind had been taken out of them. [*]Reaper's Cloak - A twirl that creates a cloak made of his magic, obscuring him from view. This move has a light knock-back effect, and can guard against most forms of magic. He can transition his weapons during this whilst staying hidden.[/list] Universal Moves (a few moves he can use regardless of stance/active weapon) [list][*][b]Ectoplasma[/b] - Despite it's name, it isn't ectoplasma. He can throw around his Spirit Eater magic the same way a Dragon Slayer can throw around theirs, though he would prefer to use this in response to other similar magic, as unlike Dragon Slayers whose magic is way more intrinsic to them, costs him more as he still must actively cast them. The cost is returned almost in full if he uses it correctly to eat other forms of magic. This move can be easily switched to affect certain things, so he can save allies with this, even if it seems like he might be attacking them. Furthermore he can form spikes and waves and shields and so on and so forth, and mold it to his will. [*][b]Hades Burst[/b] - He can burst his magic all around him a short distance to cancel magical effects that are affecting him. [*][b]Underworld Chains[/b] - Upon striking with this slightly charged attack, he will bind the enemy in chains made of his magic. As such, it is impossible for them to muster up any magic to escape, as the chains will immediately drain it. If he attacks it in any way they will break. This move was actually made recently so that he can actually perform well in jobs where he is required to capture his targets. [*][b]Coiled Grasp[/b] - A non-draining version that can be used at a range. Reliable for pulling opponents closer, or pulling himself closer, or making use of the environment. [*][b]Death God's Veil[/b] - He can cover himself with his magic and drain everything that comes at him. This move costs him a huge amount of magic, but has no other downside. He would prefer not to need to use this magic.[*][b]Dark Hand[/b] - A grabbing move that upon grabbing someone will drain an immense amount of magic for as long as contact is maintained. He can completely disable mages with this should he be allowed to land it. It is incredibly projected, so he finds to his dismay that he often needs help to set this up.[/list] Secret Techniques [list][*][b]Path to the Afterlife, Spirit Reaper[/b]: A single slash attack with the scythe, using the principles of the skill Izanami's Beckoning, while not yet completely learned, Vega has learned some of it's principles and applied it himself. Spirit Reaper is a single long range slash attack that doesn't strike the target's magic, or their body, but their spirit, living up to the name. He can directly attack their will to fight, their stamina, or even their will to live to be more extreme. While largely non-lethal unless he goes for their heart, where he can induce a heart attack, it is a powerful skill for what it affects. [*][b]Final Journey to Yomi, Izanami’s Beckoning[/b]: [LOCKED][/list] [b]Other[/b] [list][*]Oh look it's Yuuki Terumi. [*]Dark Hand takes it's name from a weapon with a similar move in Dark Souls. [*]Tales of Demon Fang [*]Lifehunt Scythe is a spell in Dark Souls. Lifehunter skill is named after it. [/list] [b]Relatives[/b]:: N/A [b]Possessions[/b]:: [list][*]The tome for "Spirit Eater" [/list] [b]Theme Song[/b]:: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gYM015YhEE]Silent Scream[/url] [/hider]