[b]Admiral Owen Magnus [/b] Magnus tilts his head towards Crimson and gives a slight nod as he reads over the information Dooku had provided, distinctly thinking to Crimson should the Ghost be reading his mind at that moment, ~Go ahead, Crimson.~ Meanwhile, he muses over the data...there was a lot of it, references to planets he'd never heard of in places he was unfamiliar with. And a lot of it was political blather...but also material that gave some insight into this Confederacy's problems. Apparently, corruption was rampant in this 'Galactic Republic', with a veritable political war between large organizations able to practically buy themselves Senate seats, and those with other agendas, only a few of which with seeming merit. Ironically enough, some of those large corporations were also the major backers of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Mentions were made of groups known as the Corporate Alliance, this Trade Federation, and a Banking Clan, which seemed slightly ominous...and wealthy. Interestingly enough, there was also mention of another group, the Jedi Order, who seemed to wield as much power as any other, yet did not hold a spot on the Senate and seemed to operate with little to no scrutiny and answering only partially to the leader of the Republic...kinda like a cross between monks and secret police, almost. Very interesting reading...