[quote=@malmshodes] Captain Ruckus walked toward the docks for a few minutes, silent in thought before stopping. HIs eyes narrowed at a familiar looking form heading away from the carnage. The man's face cracked into a grin. It looked out of place there like a star inside a black hole. Without a word he increased his pace and quickly caught up with the man and his trunk. "Interesting turn of events." The captain said slowly, savoring the words. "Wouldn't you say so, Agent Hallelujah?" [/quote] For a moment, Handel stiffened, but it soon passed as he continued walking, picking up his pace ever-so-slightly. He turned to look at the voice that called him from behind and put on a fake smile of relief. [color=a187be]"Captain Ruckus! Just the man I was looking for! Shame what happened in the town square, isn't it? A real shame, so many unruly pirates interrupting our ceremony. I figured, 'these pirates must be making towards the dock to secure themselves an escape,' so I came here as fast as I could, if only to slow them down with what little strength I have. But it appears great minds think alike; and now that you're here, those pirates haven't a chance! Tell me the game plan, and I'll follow it to-the-letter."[/color] He doubted this little ploy would actually work; Handel's desertion may not be known by all marines, but Ruckus probably knew. Handel's best hope was for the escaping pirates to show up, they'd have to fight Ruckus to get off the island, which should distract him long enough for Handel to make his own escape.