[i]Please, it's way more interesting than sifting through old genealogies that were apparently meticulously kept by the Sith for reasons we're still trying to figure out.[/i] "No, reasons you're STILL trying to figure out." Jungze shot Yerbol a smirk from one of the highbacked chairs that were strewn about the main library. Yerbol was about to protest to her continual reading of his mind when she cut him off mid-thought: "Oh pish posh, darling, you'll have no more sass from me. I just find the banter you two share reminiscent of how my husband and I used to interact." A slight flush of pink came to Yerbol's cheeks as he buried his head back into the holodisks, Jungze chuckling softly as she steered the subject back to a more relevant avenue: "The records were preserved as a way to trace lineage. From what I've been able to pick out, it seemed like these 'True Sith' wanted to maintain familial legacies not unlike the older Jedi." "I read about that somewhere, that in the beginning of the Order, it was necessary to trace family heritage in order to keep track of who maintained the traditions of the Order and who didn't. That was...that was on Tython sometime." "I'm surprised that they let you read such scandalous material." "That's because, unlike the Sith, we're not afraid to tell our students of past necessities." Voldon appeared at the head of their row, a half smile framing his face. "Keeping things hidden from the young isn't just a Sith practice, now is it?" Jungze shot back, a similar expression forming. "Let's debate some other time. Noctis found something that we all need to see." [i]Oh thank the Force[/i] ____ Moving past the library led to a few branching corridors that one could see the end of, doorways littered at random spots. Entering through the first one on the right led into an ancient looking "computer room", terminals lining the west and east sides of the room with a massive screen mounted right across from the entrance. The screen was illuminated with a dull blue light, columns of white text almost filling the entire surface. "What the..." was all Yerbol could muster, Voldon filling in the details as he went to the monitor and pointed: "Roan managed to activate some of the terminals and fed the information loaded onto them here. See this?" It was a list of names, a few of them awfully familiar. "We believe this to be a list of those working with and or for the True Sith. We don't know if they're force users or not, but to have the assistant chancellor's name on here with a number of important Republic delegates right below isn't happenstance." Jungze shook her head, clicking her tongue off the roof of her mouth. "One would think that with all of Bracknell's planning, he wouldn't be so stupid as to have such a damning piece of evidence." "Well, to be fair, it's just a list of names. Out of context, it could just be a random compilation of data." Yerbol suggested, Jungze acknowledging his point with a nod, Voldon adding: "With this list, we can at least know who the Sith are so we can strike at them when the time comes. Did any of you find other relevant info?" "Genealogies." Yerbol shrugged as he contributed his finding. "Selling yourself short there, darling." She gently patted him on the shoulder before pointing back to the library: "That library has mounds of information about True Sith lineage, about who began the Order in the first place. We need to take that information back with us so we can further study...well, lineage and government structure, isn't that right, Aria? Why don't you tell them about a man named Renso Kator that you glossed over in your documents, hmm?" ________________ Soto pursed her lips, curled dark blonde hair shimmering in the ship's fluorescent lighting as she stared down at the world she had called home for so many months. It was strange to feel it so empty, so desolate. But they had been trained, been given so much power that had to be used. They couldn't maintain their silence for much longer than they had, to allow the galaxy to exist in the imbalanced state it had been stewing in for any duration longer than necessary. The command deck panel flashed with a notification that a shuttle had left, Jean grimacing. She had wanted to go with him, to fight together alongside her Master, but knew better than to questions an order from him. He would do this on his own...and do a blasted good job. As he always did.