Aria blinked, dumbfounded, at the Miraluka woman for a moment before Jungze’s prompting seemed to register and she fumbled to remember the things she had read that pertained to that name. “Renso Kator, apparently the first of the True Sith to show any real ability to manipulate the Force properly, he formed the very first of their Councils and began to document all the archives in the rest of the library.” she recounted, frowning with some effort, “He had quite a substantial following though not everyone agreed with his ideals and eventually opposing Masters began to challenge his teachings. Didn’t seem all that important to me.” she shrugged again, though apparently Jungze disagreed. “I mean, it’s just like everything else right? Ideologies come and go. Renso’s ideas died out eventually and got replaced with new ones.” Roan turned his head to glance back at them again. “Or DID they?” “....Of course they did!” Aria protested, “His name’s never mentioned again! If he was THAT important don’t you think they’d have remembered to pen his name in?!” Her protests were met with an amused chuckle from the Sith Lord, who shook his head slowly as he gestured in Yerbol’s direction. “Not necessarily. Perhaps his name had been forgotten by then, but a cult following of that magnitude wouldn’t just vanish completely from existence. There may have been a few of his disciples that continued to try and spread his beliefs, the conflict between them could have led to the start of the genealogies the boy found. Either side could have begun a project like that as an attempt to invalidate the other.” Aria blinked again, shifting her weight uneasily as she looked between the older Masters, arms crossed over her chest. “’ve lost me.” she admitted. Roan snorted again and waved a hand dismissively, directing their attention back towards the list on the screen. “Don’t you see that it’s all linked?” “, I really don’t…” Aria mumbled, exchanging a dumbfounded glance with Yerbol. “We could probably look back through the lineage records and see if any of the names on the list trace back to this Renso and the original Sith Council. I highly doubt anyone else would have listened to their nonsensical babbling enough to ACTUALLY form a movement like this in order to reinstate their control of the galaxy.” So Force users Bracknell and Soto, had been picked out in order to carry on the original founder’s teachings about the Force. Even without eyes, Aria could feel Jungze’s gaze burning into her as she spoke again. “ the voice that spoke in our visions about reshaping the Force, doesn’t want to REMOVE Force users entirely, they just want to...bring Renso’s ideas back?” “Exactly. But to do that, they have to make sure there aren’t any old Jedi or Sith Masters left that could quash their movement again before it started.” Roan finished, eyes back on the screen again. “Very damn clever, if you ask me.” They concluded that they should take the list back to their newly arranged base of operations and let Neta and the other operatives see it. They had contacts within the Senate and known galaxy, they had to track these people down and put an end to this before it could take off. __________________ Bracknell let out a breath as the small shuttle descended towards the homeworld. They had been orbiting the planet in the hopes that the two youngsters may return to look for more information, and had been presented with more than they bargained for when they had trooped down with several of the escaped Masters in tow. But The Master’s instructions had been clear. They were to watch and wait, see what the bright little birds uncovered for themselves. The line had been drawn when they still seemed set on putting an end to their plans rather than seeing the reason in them. Now he had to do only one thing, ensure they didn’t leave the planet with that list.