[@Almosegosum][@bluetommy2] [h2]Gotham Uptown: Gotham Law Library[/h2] After the ordeal of Khnemu and Malacoda’s mental dual and the mild destruction caused by Khnemu tensions in the area only got worse as people tried to flee from both the bomb threat and sand beast. Police began to surround the building as khnemu lay dead. [color=red][b]”Dispatch we have another 10-10 involving what looks like the same perp from the Lex Corp. Building Site 10-35 and Malacoda Zatanna. Perp seems to be-”[/b][/color] he cut himself short as Khnemu was revived and disintegrated the officer that had shot him and moved in to confirm the situation. The gathered officers stood speechless, as they watched a fellow officer be killed in a way so unbelievable.[color=red][b]”Officer down! permission to-"[/b][/color] [color=AA9500][b]”10-4, please be advised the perp is in the care of Malacoda for the time being. Secure the perimeter, and 10-12. Civilian evac is top priority. [u]Perp can be delt with after the threat is cleard[/u]"[/b][/color] after the bulk of the people were evacuated a few of the units packed up and headed off along with some of the empty buses while others stayed behind taking the rest of the citizens to safety. A couple units surrounded the Law Library and hunkered down as Khnemu re-entered with Malacoda. [center]---___---[/center] Inside the Law Library, after things had settled down, it was quiet as sand settled in various places all over. The building was a large open three story construction with the focal point of the building being the large circular desks and counters at the center of the main floor. Above was it was open all the way to the domed roof where an oversized chandelier hung. The two upper floors, due to the open center, were more of large balconies giving effect of a larger space than it actually was. Each floor had numerous bookshelves that reached all the way to the ceiling acting as both book storage and supports. Sand had settled within the library, brought about by Khnemu, covering most of the floors, desks, and shelves. Listening closely one would be able to hear very faint scratching sounds on both the second and third floor as well as a couple of muffled coughs. On the desks in the center of the main floor there were scattered files and books. [@1Hawkeyes][@blumenk] [h2]Gotham Midtown[/h2] [u][b]Hayato’s interrogation[/b][/u] Both the gang members were taken off guard by the sudden appearance of this new [i]hero[/i] figure, and the man in the orange bandana let out a cry as Hayato delivered a firm kick to his knee sending him to the ground followed by a heavy foot landing on his arm. Grabbing Hayato’s foot he tried to struggle free, wheezing under the weight and then letting out another yell as he grabbed for his shattered knee. The man in the Blue watched in surprise as he was hoisted into the air. Laughing a little he spit at the man lying on the ground before being addressed by Hayato. [color=blue][b]”Ha!, you think if I knew where the bomb was I would be fighting this greaser scum!”[/b][/color] He replied, referring to the man in orange who was part of a chop-shop group. [u][b]Agent[/b][/u] Arriving a short time after Hayato had the scene hadn’t changed much other than there were now a few busses that had been sent down from Uptown due to overflow. People were still just as scared and swarmed the overwhelmed officers trying to get to the busses. Other people avoided the rush to get on a transport and instead walked in large groups out of the area. A helicopter had showed up slowly shining its light around the masses of people and hovering around the area altogether. From the chopper came a familiar voice; Commissioner Gordon. [color=FF8C00][b]”Attention Gothamites! This is Commissioner Gordon! Please remain calm and proceed to the transports in an orderly fashion.”[/b][/color] The people all paused for a moment looking up to the chopper circling overhead. [color=FF8C00][b]”We are getting more units and transports on the way. If you can remain calm we can get through this as we always have; together”[/b][/color] After this announcement the people seemed a bit calmer, but were still rushing about. busses and more units were arriving as time passed