I'm kinda really sad to come back from an unintended hiatus to find this RP has died... I really enjoyed the diversity of characters and the potential this story had. For anyone that might still be lurking here, I feel the need to do some serious apologizing.... It got to the point where a lot of my roleplay partners slowed down and weren't responding for days at a time or, in this case, the disappearance of a GM (not blaming anyone, stuff happens, writer's block sucks lol). So because of that I was getting online less frequently and eventually stopped checking and forgot all about the roleplays. I feel like crap now that I just left all those people hanging without a word.... But alas, it appears I didn't miss anything with this one. From your one and only little pixie dude to all the awesome people I had the brief pleasure of interacting with, stay awesome and hope to catch you around sometime!