Annalies was minding her own business while playing her game when the world began to shift. It was overwhelming for her not only because everything had begun falling off of shelves, but also because her enhanced hearing could sense everything around her. She could hear every single shift in the earth's crust. It pounded into her ears like it pounded into the buildings. People were screaming in anguish. How strong was this earthquake? Definitely, the strongest Annalies had ever felt. Then through all of the chaos, she heard Adams voice, "Adam?!?" She yelled, probably too loud, and she was able to focus again. She stood carefully and made her way towards the hallway with complete disregard to what she was wearing. Her bare feet padded along the floor until she reached the hall, "Adam?!" When she reached the start of the hallway she braced herself against the wall and sat down. She knew she couldn't realistically be hurt by falling objects, but she had to act the way a regular girl was supposed to in such a situation. -- Markus woke with a start. He had been dozing off in a chair that he had pulled in from the kitchen. The earth was shaking and it made his teeth rattle. Then there was Cassandra, laying in bed. "Cassandra!" He yelled as he picked her up and moved as fast as he could to the doorframe. At least there they could be safe without worrying about collapsing ceilings. At first it was extremely difficult to focus due to everything going on around him, but then he looked down at her and saw the pure terror in her eyes. Was she scared of the earthquake? Or of him? At the moment he was just relieved to see life in those eyes. Even if she never wanted to speak to him again after all of this mess was cleaned up, he would understand. Markus had robbed her of life and he had enjoyed doing it. That was the worst part honestly. While his predator was at the forefront of his mind he enjoyed every second. Especially when she had tensed in terror. When the shaking stopped he let go of her but remained sitting. "Cassandra..." He gulped, "We need to talk."