[@The1Rolling1Boy][@LiegeLord][@1Hawkeyes][@Mangrale] He received a wink and he jokingly said, [color=fff200] "Well it's very nice to meet you, superhero Helena."[/color] He smirked and put his hands in his pocket. Helena then asked him if he liked the camp so far, so his reply was, [color=fff200]"Yeah, it's nice being with people that share powers like me."[/color] He smiled softly and moved his eyes to the corner, back to Helena when he noticed her eyes were on his white head. He chuckled and spoke, [color=fff200]"Yeah, it's strange isn't it?"[/color] Actually Mystery had the same color, which Edmond would speak to him later about. He then rubbed the bruise on his elbow where he fell hard on and blinked at how it send a sharp pain through his arm. So he stopped messing with the bruise and looked at Cecilia who had just volunteered to go with Mystery to go retrieve his sister, so they could continue their hike. Edmond then looked at James with Neric perched on his shoulder and smirked. He had a perfect way of making one of Jame sand Cecilia flustered. [color=fff200]"Hey James, why don't you tag along to make sure Cecilia is safe."[/color] Edmond patted James back and pushed him closer to Cecilia who was next to Mystery.