[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/MJO2qSh.png[/img][/center] [color=8882be][i]Whaaaat the shiiiiit is he talking about?[/i][/color] She didn't like the way that both Ben and Amy had gained consciousness so quickly, or how alert they both looked. If she didn't know better, Lauren would almost begin to think that they were expecting forward inertia out of her. Well, [i]her[/i] sculpted black ass was not so easily budged, team. Before she was roped into doing anything for these slave masters, she would need to... [i]growl[/i] [color=8882be]"...eaaaaaaat."[/color] Luckily, after twelve years fighting on the front lines of the struggle, she had prepared for just kind of this Saturday morning eventuality. The hand that clutched her phone dropped down to check on the location of a bag she'd left between Amy's bed and her own, which Cap must have crashed in the night before. Sure enough, there it was - a few burgers and some fries (Vacuan seasoned) that she had brought home for the team from the night before. To keep them fresh and unsquished, Lauren, in her drunken wisdom, had made sure to leave them nestled close to the space heater that was built into the wall so that they were kept constantly toasty throughout the night. She was just too fucking good. Lauren's head tilted down to face the bag of food directly, but her chin got stuck and dug into the barrel of something that made her blink. [color=8882be][i]Lawnslot.[/i][/color] The bet. More of the evening flooded back to the carjacker as she grinned. [color=8882be]"I'll tell ya later, Desire. It was pretty much a failure doe. The girls who came near Cap kept losing hands in freak...hand loss accidents."[/color] She winked at her best friend and produced the tonfa from her bra, holding it to the back of her neck and cracking it once each way. Then she stood - long ebony legs slunk out from underneath Amy's (lack of) covers and bent so that she could jut her chin out and rest it on one knee. She spun her hemp anklet idly by one of its charm - a little Vacuan amethyst in the shape of a sports car, and a birthday present from her mother this past year - before she slowly scooched over and stood at the foot of Amy's bed. And, without a hint of modesty, the underwear-clad girl bent over backwards with several cracks that seemed to intensify. In pitch [i]and[/i] in sensation. [color=8882be]"Ah-[i]ahh[/i]-[i]uungh[/i]-[b][i]ahhhhhh~[/i][/b]"[/color] As quickly as she had contorted herself, she stood upright again, hair a mess, muscles in her chest and core relaxing, and teeth chewing the end of her lip in wicked amusement. Both her teammates looked at her like she was a succubus or something. [color=8882be]"Sooo..."[/color] she drawled, starting to sound more awake now that she'd violently loosened up, [color=8882be]"what are you cuties so awake for this ayy-emm?"[/color]