The panic in Gotham was as expected, especially when everyone wanted to get out. Red Agent listened to the commissioner and nodded. They seemed to need help evacuating as well as searching. She wasn't too sure what kind of bomb to look for and how to identify one properly. What if she found it and accidentally set it off? Red Agent wanted to help the people, so she stayed in the evacuation sites. Maybe the sight of a hero would keep them relatively calm. The young woman then proceeded to prowl through the lines, offering words of advise and comfort. Some people gave her positive responses, other negative. This was expected too, especially when tensions were so high. As she walked through the crowds, she stumbled upon a dropped stuffed animal. She didn't recognize what kind of animal it was, and it seemed hand-knitted, one of a kind. Her eyes looked away from the toy and scanned the crowd for the owner. It was hard to spot out the children through the midst of legs. When she finally did find a crying boy, tugging at his mother's shirt, she strode over. "I'm sorry, baby, I don't know where your pookie is, but we're going to get on the bus soon, everything will be okay," the woman cooed, though it was easy to see she seemed nervous. "But mommy!" the boy sobbed, wiping his nose on her jeans. "I know, I know, shush, it'll be okay," the woman said and picked up her son. "Is this what your son is looking for?" Red Agent asked, holding out the toy. Immediately, the boy's tears disappeared and he held the toy. "Oh thank goodness you found it, he'll never be able to be calm without it," the woman said, some of her anxiety disappearing. She quickly gave Red Agent a hug and said, "Thank you." "No problem, anytime," Red Agent said, careful not to hurt the woman. She was pretty much bullet-proof, unable to feel certain bullets hit her flesh, how was she supposed to feel a gentle hug? "What are you doing?" a man called from the crowds, "You're supposed to be out there looking for a bomb, [i]hero![/i]" "Sir, I'm on crowd control," Red Agent said, not really sure how to respond. The police didn't put her on crowd control or anything, but this was where she felt most needed. "Crowd control? Playing with a kid isn't crowd control!" he shouted, shaking his fist. "Sir, please calm down, the police are doing their best to find that bomb." "The police?" he spat with a mocking laugh, "You think they can do anything? They can't even keep the scum off the street! Ha! Find a bomb! I'll tell you who'll find the bomb! Batman! Batman could find the bomb! But Batman isn't here, is he?" "No, Batman isn't here," Red Agent admitted, "but there are heroes here working on the case." "Yeah? How funny," he said and boarded a bus. Red Agent bubbled with anger, but kept that on the inside. Instead, she continued to move through the crowds. A few people had minor injuries she was able to clean up with her mini first aid kit from her utility belt. "Thank you, hero," one citizen thanked. Red Agent nodded, but internally cringed. Wouldn't a hero do more than 'crowd control'? She looked around and found one of the available officers. "I know you're busy, is there any way I can help?" she asked.