Cecil didn’t know where he was for just a moment, everything had crashed for him and he was just lying on the ground for a brief moment before coming back online, his eyes looking to Ethan as he helped him back up. He didn’t really know what got over him, he just had to block the shot and managed to do so even if it ended with him on the ground and briefly malfunctioning. Looking to Ethan he frowned and turned towards the noise that was occurring now, all of it coming from that strange creature that attacked them before. Looking down at himself for a moment, his eyes wandering to Ethan who was quick to leave his side. This was not looking like it was going to be as simple as last time, but maybe with numbers on their side they might be able to dispatch this guy quickly before more trouble showed up. Looking to the cart momentarily he rushed after the others himself, not knowing really what he was supposed to do when all his attacks were generally deadly. Ethan was probably still mad at him for what he did before, but if they didn’t get rid of this guy they would just meet him again. He was an evil thing, surely Ethan would be alright with him going all out this time. There was some of those creatures again, Ethan already managing to take one out and Nymira going in with her fire. He was surprised that she was able to handle using her fire so often, managing to make short work of the beasts before moving in after the enemy. He didn’t know what she was doing at all, she was just running at him as if she couldn’t see what was around him. Was she unable to see the magic surrounding him? It was the same magic that he saw coming straight for the cart too, unless they weren’t able to see it. This was certainly getting complicated and he still didn’t know what he was supposed to do. He was supposed to be able to fight but he was too afraid of disappointing others. Looking to Asta quickly he noticed her going in to support Ethan, so maybe he should try and be Nymira’s support. That was a good idea, it would give him a purpose and be able to protect someone instead of becoming a weapon. Running for her as their enemy became more aggressive he moved to get in front of her as she backed off, watching as the attacks came flying as he raised his fists. He was going to be able to combat this thing if he was able to withstand the attack before, he would just need to use his body as a shield. “Are you alright? I-I’m sorry for being slow, I had to reboot my systems…” If he helped Nymira maybe he could get into her good books a little more other than being seen as a useful force. Charging up his electricity he quickly ran forward, ready to beat away attacks like he had done before. Raising his gauntlet an electrified chain shot out of his palm before he quickly swung his chain down again, trying to shatter the Varuna’s defences so that they might be able to force this guy to back off.