[center][h1][color=8dc73f]Chance[/color][/h1][/center] [center]Outside the Pokemon Lab - Beryllium City[/center] [center]Talking with Lusitania ([@1Charak2]), Sadie ([@alexfangtalon]) and Leo ([@Alder]).[/center] [hr] Before Sadie could really react, Blitzy's attention span would vanish as she jumped off her shoulder. Blitzy would look around once more, looking up at her trainer and- WAIT what is that? She'd twist her head around trying to get a glimpse at it but it quickly vanished, Blitzy would continue spinning around chasing the object out of the corner of her eye. Below, at Chance's feet Blitzy would be chasing her own tail, trying her best to try and catch it before she quickly got dizzy and flopped over on one of her trainer's shoes. Chance would peek from behind the map, looking down at the skitty, laughing to himself at the cute little cat pokemon. Then he'd look up at Lusitania. [color=92278f]"Honestly, I don't care where I go as long as I eventually explore this entire region, see all there is to see ya' get me." "Doesn't matter how long it takes, it will be a good adventure from start to finish." "Maybe if we plotted a route that allowed us to hit all the areas effectively, that'll keep everyone happy."[/color] [color=8dc73f]"Oh! I could probably do that."[/color] He'd think to himself, checking his bag to see if he had any extra Chromis maps... and he did, good. Chance would put away one map, pull out another map and a blue pen, sitting down- setting Blitzy on his lap and laying the map out on the ground. [color=8dc73f]"Well... lets plan this out then, where are we all interested in going?" "If we're traveling together I guess...?"[/color] As he looked at the map he noticed that the city had a lake behind it...- that could be cool to visit, maybe do some fishing? Gotta keep these things in mind... maybe he could catch some cool pokemon there?