Aria's commands were heard, but not necessarily complied with due to one of the projections locking onto Yerbol's presence and relentlessly attacking through whatever barrier, parry or other related power that the young Knight summoned. It wasn't long before another projection came to the first one's aid, dashing ahead with crackles of lightning flashing towards Yerbol with no protection in between him and a swift death via electrocution. At the very last second, a purple hue of energy shot up in front of the Knight, lightning that once was aimed at Yerbol cast back towards the originator. Jungze and Voldon swiftly flanked the Knight, parrying a few strikes before delivering some of their own, Jungze protesting: "This one is mine! Help Voldon deal with the other one!" A sickening, wounded cry bounced off the chamber walls as Voldon stood over the fallen projection with a triumphant smirk. "One down! We need to-" "VOLDON! HELP!" "KIRA!" Voldon spotted both Noctis and his wife cornered by two of the projections, the Battlemaster making his way towards them only to be struck in the side by a powerful gust of wind, knocking the breath out of him momentarily. Bracknell chuckled, both hands thrust forward as he projected more energy towards Voldon. "We need to-" "GET TO ARIA NOW!" Jungze commanded sharply, hopping over a low sweep from her attacker before locking sabers with it, her teeth bared in a determined snarl. "But-" "BRACKNELL WANTS YOU BOTH DEAD BEFORE US! HELP HER! NOW!" Voldon had thrown up a barrier to thwart Bracknell's attempts at slowing him down while slowly forging ahead to Kira and Roan, two projections giving them all they could handle while Aria fought her own opponent nearby. Wait. Weren't there four? He shook the loose thought from his mind, charging ahead to Aria's attacker and slamming his elbow in the projection's lower back, staggering it forward. "Just like before, right?!" He yelled excitedly, feeling the tension in their bond loosening as the duo harmonized their movements. The projection's eyes went wide as Yerbol jammed his saber into the projection's upper body while Aria swept underneath and slashed at the mid-line, their sabers withdrawing at the same fraction of a second. "That was even better than last time...I could get used to this." Not wanting to bask in glory for TOO long, he turned his attention to Kira, Roan AND Voldon, who had already cut down one of the projections, leaving two remaining along with Bracknell, who was ominously boring holes into the young duo's skulls with his sickly yellow eyes. Even with Jungze flanking from Bracknell's left, he still was locked onto the pair, Yerbol feeling an uncomfortable warmth snaking through his blood. A few seconds later, a smile cracked his pallid features as he threw Jungze back against a wall with a simple motion of his index finger, the projections once assailing the trio nearby melting into air. The walls quaked, the floors began to crack and the once sun-kissed climate turned very, very warm. Boiling. "You're outnumbered, Bracknell! You can surrender now or we can roll your severed head down the alleys of Coruscant!" Voldon boldly shouted, saber pointing at the Sith Lord, who seemed unaffected by the threat. "What's he doing?" Kira wiped newly accumulated sweat off her brow as Jungze hissed: "Those two aren't going to die here, Varian. No matter how much you try to control their fate." Jungze had alluded to Bracknell's supposed preoccupation with the duo a few minutes earlier, but other than being annoying thorns in his side, what did they represent? They were nothing...or so he thought.